Part 11 Clash of the white rangers

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(The Fallen's plan is about to be set in motion, a plan that can spell disaster)

*The Fallen sits on his throne in the Other Predacons lair*

Ranger Huntress: we have located what you wanted

The Fallen: show me.....

*Ranger Huntress shows two screens infront of The Fallen*

*Ranger Huntress shows two screens infront of The Fallen*

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*one screen depicts the 6 Atlatean Keystones*

*one screen depicts the 6 Atlatean Keystones*

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*The second screen shows the 6 Moonstones*

The Fallen: it all?

Ranger Huntress: if you take too much power at once it can be too take it slowly, little by little.....

The Fallen: *growls* fine.....

Ranger Huntress: and the heroes?

The Fallen: perhaps the time has give them a taste of....real power.....Black Dragon

*The Fallen morphs into Lord Drakkon while sitting on his throne*

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*The Fallen morphs into Lord Drakkon while sitting on his throne*

The Fallen: once the Moonstone and Atlantean Keystone energies are ready, send them straight to me....
The heroes are in....for an unpleasant surprise.....

Ranger Huntress: it shall be done....

*The Fallen stands from his throne*

The Fallen: when it's too late....they'll realize the truth.....they could have been gods.....

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