Chapter 1

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Monday, 4:12 pm

Y/N Evans. Never have I harboured such intense hatred for someone. And it's not just the mundane details-I hate the sound of her laughter, the overpowering musky and spicy scent that clings to her like a second skin, and the way she walks with an irritating self-assuredness. It's a visceral reaction, an all-encompassing hatred that seems to intensify with each passing day.

"Hey, look, it's your best friend," Emma chuckled beside me, nudging me while I was busy grabbing my stuff from my locker. I glanced over, half-expecting to see an actual friend. But, of course, it wasn't. It was her. The source of my daily annoyance, strutting around like she owned the place.

There she is, in the crowded hallways, Y/N's towering figure and her annoying smug face. Her presence is like a constant reminder of everything that grates on my nerves.

Y/N is a walking model of aggravation-her wavy honey-brown hair falling messily framing a face that seems to have mastered the art of a permanently irritating expression. Those piercing ice-blue eyes lock onto mine with a gaze that practically screams, "I know I annoy the hell out of you.". And she still had the audacity to roll her eyes at me.

Every move she makes, from the way she sways her hair to the infuriating smirk, feels like a deliberate act to crank up my annoyance factor. She carries herself with a confident swagger, always entirely put together.It's like dealing with a walking headache, visually irritating and aggravating to the core.

"Very funny Emma," I responded, a hint of annoyance coloring my voice. Emma's talent for teasing never seemed to take a day off. Closing my locker with a little more force than necessary, I shifted my attention back to her, rolled my eyes, and made a swift exit.

Speeding along, Emma raced to catch up, bombarding me with her favorite question , "Why do you hate her so damn much?" It was the same old question, but I always had a different answer.

I pivoted while moving backward, my frustration still apparent. "Urgh! Did you see that freaking smug look on her face? She's always smiling and smirking like an asshole. "

"Maybe it's just you, I think she's pretty hot..." Emma exhaled. Y/N? Hot? Those two words don't go well together. And even if she is, her name and the word hot would never leave my mouth.

"That's disgusting, Em."

My rant came to an abrupt halt as I collided with someone. My annoyance morphed into a wide smile as I realized it was none other than my boyfriend.

"Hunter!" I exclaimed, I quickly made my way to my boyfriend, enveloping him in a tight hug. He chuckled, his embrace warm, and his chin found a resting place atop my head. Emma, witnessing the scene, played up her theatrics with a mock gag, inducing laughter from all of us.

"How was your day, Princess?" Hunter asked, his arm finding a natural place around my shoulder as we strolled toward his car. Emma, had already left because of her soccer practice.

Seated in the front of the car, I offered a silent "thank you" as Hunter closed the door. "It went okay, just a bit exhausting though," I confessed with a smile. I looked over to Hunter who was already smiling at me and I couldn't help but give him a peck on the cheek.

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