Chapter 2

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Old friend?

Monday, 8:47 pm

"Y/N my baby! Mommy's home!" Mom's voice echoed through the house, announcing her arrival from what seemed like miles away. I strolled downstairs and leaned on the railing, crossing my arms. "Now where have you been, old woman?" I teased. It was nearly 9 pm, and I had returned home hours ago.

"Just went to visit an ol' friend's house," she replied, her words a bit slurred as she struggled to take off her shoes. I tilted my head, looking at her. "Mom, have you been drinking?" I asked, making my way toward her. While I was happy to see her enjoying herself lately, old worries resurfaced. Mom hadn't been out as much, always drowned in her job, working tirelessly after that awful excuse for a dad left us.

He vanished without a trace, leaving behind a trail of debts and broken promises. His sudden disappearance hit us hard, especially Mom, who had to shoulder the burden of raising me alone. Despite the heartbreak, she powered through, determined to give me, us, a better life. Her unwavering dedication eventually led her to climb the corporate ladder, and now she's the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the state. I'm damn proud of her, but sometimes I can't help but wonder how different things might have been if he hadn't walked out on us.

"Uh-huh," she hummed. I knelt down, took off her shoes, and guided her to the couch before heading to the kitchen to pour a glass of water. Handing it to her, I nagged, "Here, Mom. Next time, be mindful about how much you're drinking, okay?" I scolded standing in front of her with my arms crossed.

"Y/N, my beautiful daughter. Come here, we're going to have so much fun on your break," she declared, patting the empty space on the couch for me to sit on "We're going on a vacation to Lake Tahoe," she continued, lightly slapping my face with each word she uttered.

"Mom, what are you talking about? That private cottage you own? It's too big for just the two of us," I questioned, remembering the sprawling estate with six bedrooms, an outdoor pool, and a gaming room which I absolutely loved. Well, it may be a cottage but at this point is just a big house. I'd been there a few times, but it felt like ages ago.

"Not just the two of us. I invited my friend, Natalie... and her family!" Mom announced, and I paused, shaking my head in disbelief. "Natalie? As in the woman you keep talking about? Your best friend from college?" I asked, facing her. Mom chugged the water I gave her earlier and carried on, "Yup!... Natalie Ortega."

I practically jumped off the couch at her words, my mouth agape and my eyes wide, "Mom... How come you've never told me her last name before?!" I asked in disbelief.

There was only one Ortega I knew in school, and this revelation couldn't be what I thought it was. "Well, you never asked," she retorted. "Also, her daughter knows you. Jenna? Does that ring a bell?" she continued, trying to get comfortable on the couch, her eyes battling to stay open but ultimately failing.

You've got to be fucking kidding me, Jenna Ortega? That pesky little sprite, Constantly tailing that ridiculously cocky Hunter dude like she's his shadow. I mean, seriously, what's the charm there? I can't wrap my head around why she's even with him. The mere sight of the two together annoys the living daylights out of me.

What ticks me off the most? It's that thing she does – that annoying habit of chiming in with these fake laughs at all his lame jokes. Like, can she be any more transparent? It's as if she's programmed to find every cringe-worthy thing he says hilarious. Ugh, just witnessing that act makes me want to roll my eyes into another dimension. She's either the world's worst actress or completely clueless, and I can't decide which is worse.

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