Chapter 3

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Lover Boy



No one's POV

Wednesday, School's early dismissal
1:53 pm
Emma's house

"You just don't get it, Emma. It is that bad. You know how much I can't stand Y/N," Jenna vented, frustration evident in her voice as she poured out her concerns to her friend. Her so-called "fun vacation" looming just twelve days away.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Jenna realized that dinner, the dreaded event with Y/N, was also scheduled for later in the day. Just the thought of it made her stomach churn with unease.

"Okay, but seriously, you barely even talk to her. She's not even a bully or anything. I mean, yeah, there was that one time she tripped you on purpose, and maybe that other time when she vandalized your locker, or when she—" Emma rambled on, munching on her second Doritos bag while listing a bunch of past resentments that seemed to never end.

"Exactly," she interrupted, cutting off Emma before she could delve further into her high school history with Y/N.

"You're going to be fine. What could possibly go wrong? Just enjoy yourself and— I don't know, ignore her?"  Emma suggested, her nonchalant demeanour contrasting with her friend's growing agitation.

"Right..." Jenna's shoulders slumped with a heavy sigh as she reached for her phone, her features etched with a mix of disappointment and annoyance.

But as her gaze fell upon the glowing screen, a subtle transformation swept over her face. A soft smile curved her lips, and a gentle light twinkled in her eyes as she read the text from her boyfriend.

"The hell are you smiling like that for?" Emma questioned, licking off residues of the Doritos left on her fingers. Jenna looked up from her phone after typing something and shot Emma a knowing smirk but before she could respond, Emma cut her off with a huff, shooing her away. "Nevermind, get out."

"Love you," she blew a kiss to Emma, who replied in jest, "I know. I love me too." With a shake of her head, she strolled out of Emma's room, closing the door behind her.

"Leaving already?" Mrs. Myers called out from the living room, accompanied by Emma's sisters, Izzy and Olivia. She shot them a smile, reciprocated by their own grins.

"Oh, uh, yes. Hunter's coming to pick me up," she chuckled, pausing as her phone vibrated — it was Hunter. Mrs. Myers chimed in, "You silly lover girl, go on then, Say hi to him for me. Take care, you two." Waving goodbye, she reciprocated the gestures from Izzy and Olivia before heading out to meet Hunter.


As Jenna stepped out and waited for Hunter, a few minutes passed before he arrived. Jenna realized she had been overthinking things as a grin spread across her face. Without hesitation, she dashed towards him, and he enveloped her in a tight hug, spinning them around in a playful dance before gently lowering her down. Their lips met in a sweet collision, conveying a sense of longing and affection.

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