Part 4

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Upon returning home one day, I found myself unexpectedly ambushed by a swarm of guards. The attack caught me off guard, and I soon realized I had been drugged. Despite my attempts to free myself from the guards, I witnessed the head of the knights, my best friend, approaching with a sword at my neck. Helplessly, I couldn't fend him off. As he began to slit my throat

, Laura intervened, showcasing her exceptional sword-fighting skills. With a clash of swords, she sent him tumbling backward. As he mocked her for being the "damsel in restraints" It dawned on me that I hadn't questioned why she was restrained all this time.

In the face of imminent death, I apologized to her for my lack of understanding. In response, she slapped me and unleashed a magical spell. Drifting off to confront the enemy knights, I witnessed her struggles, pained by the sight. Her words, "This won't do," echoed, and in an astonishing display of strength, she shattered her restraints. It left me in shock; weeks of my futile attempts contrasted with her effortless break.

Having defeated all the knights, she turned her attention to the trembling head of the knights, revealing the true warrior beneath the shattered emotions. Dragging him to the hallway, she inquired about the location of the dungeon, and I weakly pointed in its direction. Her voice, sweet and soothing, ordered the maids to take me to my room, while she directed the restrained individual toward the dungeon. That marked the last sight before I succumbed to unconsciousness.

Laura's perspective

As I DRAGGED him into the dungeon and ensured his confinement, a sense of distress enveloped me, contemplating my assertive conduct in the presence of the Duke and how I would explain the shattered restraints to His Majesty. The thought of the impending punishment weighed heavily on me. While heading to the Duke's bedroom, I couldn't shake off the concern for his well-being after his throat had been slit. Despite the enduring pain from the seal placed upon me, the urgency to rescue him persisted. After all, he was my husband and, more significantly, the Duke. Upon entering his room, I swiftly inquired about his well-being as he slowly opened his eyes.

Duke's Perspective:

I could hear her voice checking on my well-being. Gradually, I attempted to open my eyes and found her gazing at me with concern. Assuring her that I was fine, I drifted off to sleep.

—--------------------------------------------next morning—-------------------------------------------------------------

Yawning as I woke up, I discovered her fast asleep in the chair beside me. While I was fully healed, she appeared to be in profound pain. Gently lifting her, I laid her on my bed and proceeded to prepare for my duties. As I dressed, thoughts of the previous night lingered in my mind. Seating myself on the bed, I pondered for a moment, feeling a sudden touch on my chest that startled me. A quiet sigh escaped me as I realized it was her. Despite her troubled expression, I chose to overlook it, considering it might be a personal matter. As I delicately returned her hand to its place and prepared to leave the bed, she grasped my wrist, insisting on reporting back to His Majesty. With no other option, I acquiesced, knowing he would question me if I didn't.

While accompanying her to His Majesty's throne room, she appeared noticeably apprehensive, and I offered reassurance, assuring her that everything would be fine.

Laura's Perspective:

Despite his assurance that everything would be fine, I harbored the certainty that it wouldn't be. If he discovered my involvement in the skirmish with the knights, the consequences could be severe. The memory of my last attempt to fight and escape still haunted me, leaving me trembling. I was left alone, bound in a forest, subjected to attacks by numerous wild animals. Enduring the harsh elements of cold rain and snow, I spent two months without food or water. That experience taught me a crucial lesson, and....*faints*

Duke's Perspective:

For some inexplicable reason, I sensed her apprehension, even though we were merely heading to meet her father. As we walked toward the throne room, she suddenly fainted. Swiftly catching her, I carried her to His Majesty. Now, I, too, felt uneasy. The thought of His Majesty punishing me for any harm befalling his daughter weighed heavily on my mind 😭. Upon entering the throne room, an aura of bloodlust pervaded the air. I attempted to explain what had transpired, but His Majesty interrupted, instructing me to bring Laura closer to him. In fear of the consequences he might impose on me 😭, I complied. He examined her and inquired about any magic she had performed beyond breaking the shackles. I informed him that she had healed me, leaving him visibly shocked. Despite my plea to refrain from restraining her, he subjected her to additional shackles. Unsettled by this, I persisted in pleading until he finally relented. I loved her not only for her beauty but also for her personality, and I didn't want her concealed behind those restraints for long. Although hesitant to question him about the sudden pain she experienced, I chose not to broach the subject. Taking her home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness about the situation unfolding relatively smoothly.

That night, I chose to sleep beside her, even if it was against her will. In her room, I gently held her hand, and thoughts of my mother flooded my mind. Despite accusations that I had caused my parents' deaths, the reality was different. My father met his demise when my mother, enraged upon discovering his infidelity, took matters into her own hands. Subsequently, my mother succumbed to pneumonia. During my last attempt to connect with her, she cursed me, proclaiming that I would only perish once I understood the essence of true love. The maids insisted that her disdain for me stemmed from my resemblance to my father.

Over the decades, I lived as a youthful and formidable warrior, garnering fame. Initially, and even now, I believed I could thrive without the need for love. With this conviction, I left her room with a trace of guilt. Embracing my father's misguided notion that "women are just toys to use and throw," I resolved to conform to his perspective on love.

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