Part 8

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I was informed that I had slept for 7 months. Anxious about Nathaniel, I demanded answers. No one replied, and frustration built within me. The butler finally spoke, revealing that the duke was sent to fight in the ongoing war. As I Pressed for more details, he explained that Nathaniel had betrayed his majesty, causing him severe harm. Nathaniel was sentenced to execution in three months. Tears streamed down my face, and a premonition urged me to "RUN AND FIND IT." Without hesitation, I rushed to his majesty's castle. First, my mother, and now my love? I couldn't let history repeat itself. Arriving, I saw his majesty sipping tea, seemingly anticipating my arrival. I confronted him about Nathaniel, questioning if he intended to end Nathaniel's life as he had done with my mother. Initially shocked, he redirected the focus to his well-being, revealing a substantial scar. He proposed a deal – if I healed him, he would allow me to talk to Nathaniel. Reluctantly, I agreed. As I healed his majesty, the pain intensified due to a tightened seal. Despite the agony, I yearned to meet Nathaniel, to understand the truth.

With the healing complete, his majesty disclosed Nathaniel's location and tossed me the keys. Running to the dark, dimly lit basement, I found an isolated place with no guards. Breaking through the thick gates wasn't an option, and I had the keys, but I felt hesitant to use my powers. Upon discovering Nathaniel with puffy, red eyes, guilt overwhelmed me. Unlocking the cell, I entered and embraced Nathaniel, tears streaming down my face.

It took him quite a while to process, but when he finally snapped back, he enveloped himself around me. While hugging him, I noticed the scars and open wounds inflicted on him. As I was still sobbing, he broke the hug and wiped away my tears his touch sent a sense of relief in me. Before I could say anything, he admitted that he stabbed his majesty intentionally. He added that during the war, he witnessed the king performing mass executions in their own country, endorsing child labor and illegal arms trade, and worst of all, everyone turned a blind eye to it. I began healing him, but he stopped me, saying, "Don't inflict pain on yourself; I wouldn't want you to suffer my pain." He gently grabbed my chin and stroked it.

I insisted that he needed to heal, to which he replied that healing him would be a waste, as he was going to die anyway. Hearing this, I slapped him, followed by a kiss. "Never say that," I commented. It hurt me so much to see him in shackles for doing good for the country. I asked him why he didn't wake me up even after this happened. He explained that he was immediately brought down here after stabbing his majesty. I gently grabbed his hand and held it to my chest, expressing my worries. After talking to him for a while and as I was about to leave, I added that I would see him very soon, with a gentle smile on my face. He looked quite confused, but I let it be.

The next morning, I readied myself to confront my fate. I was indifferent to the possibility of facing execution for my actions, as my love for him knew no bounds. I cherished him until the very end—the way he made me laugh, the gentle pats on my head—I loved every aspect of him. I couldn't bear to let him go.

With confidence, I approached his majesty, who was in the garden and administered poison. Even upon realizing my actions, there was nothing he could do, as he was destined to die. Strangely, my body autonomously healed him, leaving me enraged and struggling to control my hands, which seemed beyond my command.

He was fully restored. I questioned myself, asking, "What have I done?" He forcibly pulled me toward him, and without physically touching me, started choking me intensely. Using my own magic, I managed to break free from the force, initiating a colossal altercation between us.

It was evident that he held the advantage, being able to exert control over me. Despite my resistance, I fought back with all my might, only to be overpowered and pinned to the floor, with his majesty stepping on me. I persisted in my efforts to resist, but eventually, I succumbed and lost consciousness.

I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS FATE.....OR RATHER THE CURSEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora