Ep3: Snow falls.

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"Hey. You okay?" Mary Margaret said as she spotted the blonde in her car on the side of Main Street.
Emma turns off flashlight. "Oh, in the world of tight spots I've been in, crashing in my car doesn't even rank in the top ten." She said.

"You're sleeping here?" She asked.

"Til I find a place."

"You decided to stay. For Henry." She said.

"Yeah, I guess. This town doesn't seem to have any vacancies. None, actually. Is that normal?" She said.

"Must be the curse." She said sarcastically.

"Why are you out so late?" Emma asked her.
Well, I'm a teacher, not a nun. I had a date.
"From the looks of things, it went well."

"As well as they ever do."

"Tell me he at least paid."
"Ew." Emma said.

Mary Margaret speaks "Well, guess if true love was easy, we'd all have it. You know, if things get cramped, I do have a spare room." She offered.

Emma nods "Thanks. I'm not really the roommate type. It's just not my thing. I do better on my own.
"Well, goodnight. Good luck with Henry.
Emma: Yeah... Mary Margaret walks away as Emma gazes after her

In The town hospital. The kids from Mary Margaret's class are around, hanging decorations. Mary Margaret notices Henry in the ICU unit at John Doe's bedside. He reaches to touch the man's face when Mary Margaret walks in.

"Henry. We could really use your help with the decorations."

"Is Mr. Doe going to be okay, Miss Blanchard?" Henry asked.

"Don't be stupid Henry, he's not actually called that" Danielle said walking in.

"Danielle you could've that nicer couldn't we?" Marg Margaret said gently. She then turned to Henry. "But she is right, His name's not John Doe, honey. That's just what they call people when they don't know who they are."

"Well... Do you know who he is?" Henry asked.

"She just said no one did!" Danielle said.

Mary Margaret gave her a look.
"No Henry I just bring him flowers on my rounds."
"What's wrong with him anyways?" Danielle asked.

"I don't know. He's been like this as long as I've been volunteering."You sure you don't know him?
Mary Margaret: Course I'm sure. Come on. You shouldn't be in here.

SCENE: Storybrooke.

Emma and Henry are the playground near the shore. Henry shows Emma an illustration in his storybook of Prince Charming with the visible scar on his face.
Henry: I found your father—Prince Charming.
Emma: Henry...
Henry: He's in the hospital, in a coma. See the scar? He has one, too.
Emma: So? Lots of people have scars.
Henry: In the same place? Don't you see what this means? The curse is keeping them apart with the coma. Now they're stuck without each other. We have to tell Miss Blanchard we found her Prince Charming.
Emma: Okay, kid. Telling someone their... soul mate is in a coma is probably not helpful. Not having a happy ending is painful enough, but giving someone unrealistic hope is far worse.
Henry: But what if I'm right? We know who they are. Now they have to know.
Emma: And how do you intend to make that happen?
Henry: By reminding him. We have to get her to read their story to John Doe. Then, maybe, he'll remember who he is.
Emma: Okay.
Henry: Okay?
Emma: Yeah, we'll do it. But we'll do it my way. Let me ask her.

Mary Margaret makes cocoa for herself and Emma. They stand at the counter talking.
"You want me to read to a coma patient?" Mary
Emma: Henry thinks it will help him remember who he was.
Mary Margaret: And, who does he think he was?
Emma: Prince Charming.
Mary Margaret: And if I'm Snow White, he thinks... me... and him...
Emma: He has a very active imagination, which is the point. I can't talk him out of his beliefs, so we need to show him. Play along, do what he says and then maybe, just maybe--
Mary Margaret: He'll see that fairy tales are just that—hat there's no such thing as love at first sight or first kiss. He'll see reality.
Emma: Something like that.
Mary Margaret: Well.. sadly, this plan is rather genius. We get him to the truth without hurting him.
Emma: I told him that we will all meet tomorrow for breakfast at Granny's. And you will give a full report.
Mary Margaret: Well, I suppose I'll get ready for my date. I guess I'll have to do all the talking.

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