The end or a new beginning?

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I know, that me texting you, is uncomfortable for you right now, after how I messed up and how we ended but.. How we left things, it didn't feel right

I just wanted to say, I'm sorry, I'm sorry about how I ended things

You don't have to forgive me or even speak with me, but i wanted to send this msg, this one msg can be either a end or a new beginning, and I'd like to leave that decision at your hands

I know how I reacted to your words was wrong and it's been many months, but I finally mustered up the courage to send you this, I'm not good at love, or anything, I'm below average at mostly everything, but still you loved me, I kinda found it odd, but I remember the things you told me

Remember you asked me what I loved in you? And I couldn't find the answer?
That's because I didn't know what I loved, I didn't know why I loved you, just that I did love you, I never thought why I did, maybe because of how you smiled? Your beautiful smile, which you gave me, it was rare which made me adore it more, or how you scrolled through my phone and we listened to music, or how even though we were so casual at the start, it didn't feel wrong, how we spoke about our future, genuinely, how your eyes shined in the sun, I still remember looking in your gorgeous eyes while we had our headphones in our ears and your eyes, oh god, maybe I still don't know why I love you, but I know for sure I do, I'm sorry for being a coward, and I'm sorry for backing up from us,these few months made me realize things

I love you, never stopped actually, I got blinded, by fear, and once again I'm sorry for that, and i know that 7 months is a big time, and maybe the feeling changed for you, and i will respect that, but, i just thought if it was possible that, things can be better, so.. I just want to ask you, what do you want to do? Shall this be the end, or shall this be a new beginning?

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