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You hurt me,
I'm a coward that I couldn't tell you this,
why give me false hope, why give me priority,
why give me the love,
when after she came I became the 2nd?
I'm still here, but it's getting hard,
nowadays I even imagine if it was actually real
Or if you were just playing until you actually found someone,
as now I don't even feel like the 2nd anybody,
you came to me first, why change so suddenly?
Why try to heal me and make me happy when I was at my lowest but after things finally started to get better for me,
you left me, broken, you know what's worse?
You keep me attached but at a distance where I can't do anything.
I didn't want this, I was fine, so why?
What was your motive??
Did you manipulate me for fun?
To divert me from my studies?
To divert me from something you hated??,
I hate this, I hate you, but at the same time I don't, I don't even understand if you say the truth or do you lie outright,
just, tell me, stop, I want truth.
Atleast the last one, please..
I can't anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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