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"What is this?!" My mum said throwing a letter on me that came from school about my behaviour, "nothing" I said looking away as I threw the letter on the floor. "Why are you like this? You used to be so sweet" my mum said as tears fell down her face, "sorry" I said looking into the ground being too ashamed to look into my mother's disappointed face.  "I'm giving you one more chance! If you screw up again you're going to live with your aunt and cousin Gustav!" She said making me gasp, "do you have to do this!!" I said knowing I will just screw up like I always do. "Because this is getting out of hand, police take you home like 3x a week! It's your friend group they are such bad influences" she said with a mad face making my breath heavily, how dare she talk about my friends? She knows nothing while they know everything. "I'm going out" I said wiping my tears away. "Oh no you're not!" My mum said as I walk out of the house ignoring her.

I walk through the streets making my way to my best friend's house, I knock on the door waiting for him to answer. "Hey Mara what's up?" Ryan asked as I walk in. "Nothing, wanna go to our spot with the rest?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. "Yeh let me just get somthing for us to smoke" he said smirking making me laugh. He walks away leaving me in the living room waiting for him,"I'm back" he said holding the little pack of weed. "Did you text the group chat?" I asked as I take my skate board I left in his house the other night. "Yeh they said to meet in the corner shop in 10" Ryan said while he texts on his phone. "Well come on then" I said as we both walk out skating our way to the corner shop.

"Hey" Flora said hugging me and Ryan as Hermes and Adonis play fight, "boys!"Flora said getting mad at them making me and Ryan laugh. "Hey Ryan and Mara" Adonis said as Hermes just waves at us. "Let's get going" Ryan said, we all hop on our skate boards skating our way to our chilling spot which is the forest and abounded places.

We are now walking through to forest to make our way to the abandoned cinema, it's pretty cool we just can't get busted or else we will get arrested again..

"Holy shit"Hermes laughs as Ryan takes this pack of weed out while we sit on the old dirty cinema seats. "Here" Ryan said passing me it as it was already lighted. "You know iris wants to have another round with you?" Flora says to me as I pass her the spliff, "I will fuck her up again" I said rolling my eyes, why is iris so obsessed with me?

"Oh yeh I forgot to tell you, flora smacked iris in the face in school when you wasn't Their" Adonis laughs as flora eyes widen, she promised me she wouldn't get involved with it. I glare at her as she opens her mouth to speak. "Sorry I just couldn't let her talk so bad about you" flora said, flora is cute and innocent and I don't like her getting into pointless fights. "It's okay next time just ignore her" I said hugging her.

"FREEZE!" a man's voice said making all of us look at each other with our jaw dropped..please don't tell me it's the police I thought to my self as i turn to see about 6 of them. "RUN!" Adonis said as we all run, I can't get caught or else I will get sent away!!

I start to run with Ryan as we hold hands running through the forest as Hermes,Adonis and flora are hiding since they always do that. Me and Ryan grew up together so we bond like siblings and I can't leave him here no way. "Fuck" I whimper as they caught us putting hand cuffs on our wrists. "It's gonna be okay" Ryan said. "Ryan I'm gonna get sent away" I said as they threw me in the car while Ryan eyes was still wide open, the car started to drive as me and Ryan kept eye contact, this is probably the last time I will see him. Tears pour out as I cry Watching him slowly fade away from afar.

𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - ☆ 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now