Cut off

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"I found your phone" said Tom outside of the bathroom, "oh my god where was it?" I ask shook because I haven't had my phone in a long time. "In bills room you probably left it there" Tom chuckles as I do too. I probably did because last time we had sex which was weeks ago and on the same day I lost my phone.

"I'm done" I say brushing the last parts of my hair walking out of the bathroom as Rachel goes after me.
"Here" he said handing my phone. "Thank you" I smile as I heard the shower turn on probably because Rachel is showering.

I sit on bills bed turning my phone on seeing so many missed calls from Adonis,Flora, Hermes and Ryan. I missed them so much how could I forget about them?! My heart dropped because I really just forgot about my best friend's. I go into the group-chat seeing so many worried texts from them.

Group chat 🛹:

Me: sorry guys I have been busy.

Ryan: Mara!!

Flora: are you alive?!

Adonis: I missed you

Hermes: where tf have you been?

Me: life..

Ryan: Mara what's going on?!

Me: nothing I'm sorry

Flora: we have been so worried!!!

Ryan: Mara text me in private!

Me: ok!

Ryan ❤️:

Ryan: I found out

Me: what? My heart dropped did he find out about the murdering and how?

Ryan: I found the kill book


Me: I don't know what you're talking about sorry.

Blocked .

My chest starts to feel tight as I just blocked Ryan, it will keep him safe from bill and if Ryan really found out and he would want to snitch he would already so I don't think he will but I have to cut him off even if it hurts. Meaning I have to cut off the rest too..

I left the group chat and blocked everyone. "What's wrong?" Bill walks in the room.

"Tired" I sigh fake yawning

"Come to sleep" bill smiles laying in the bed, I smile being happy I finally get a goodnight sleep.

"Goodnight" I kiss bills lips before falling asleep.

𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - ☆ 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 kaulitz Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ