Life or death?

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"I'm starving" I groan, "here" Gustav hands me a chocolate bar. "Thank you" I smile opening it up.
We took a little stop since Leon got tired of driving, it's dark out now and I feel more free than ever. "Leon who is Bruce?" Bill crosses his arms. "He is my enemy, when I used to work for Rio saint we would make deals with him until he stole 1mil from Rio saint. And like always Rio sent me to fix  his problem, at that time I had a little sister called Mia, Rio knew she was my weak spot so he would threaten to kill her. So I went to go get the money back but he wasn't in his house so I went back to Rio saint only to see Mia lying on the floor dead with Bruce holding the gun." Leon explains looking at the ground being too sad to look at us.

"Leon" I hug him with sadness imagining what it must feel like to he in his shoes. He broke down in my arms as they all look at him in pity. "We will get revenge Leon I promise" I hug him tighter, "he ruined my life, Mia was all I had!" He cries louder.

"I'm gonna torture him Mara" he looks at me with tears in his eyes that keep running down his cheeks.

"We will help you" I wipe his tears, "just tell us what to do and we will" bill suggests, "okay" Leon nods wiping his tears away taking deep breaths before he opens his mouth to speak. "I know exactly where he lives, how many men are protecting his property, all we need is guns and bombs" Leon nods.

"When do you wanna do it?" I say laying my hand on his shoulder, "tomorrow at night but just know this is life or death guys" he warns us.

"Til death tears us apart Leon always" Tom speaks up, "we will always have each others backs" Rachel smiles. "We are stuck together til death" Gustav says shyly. "We are soul tied" bill smiles at Leon.

"You guys really bring my light back on" he smiles.

(Guys a little short chapter I'm sorry. 😭🙏🙏)

𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - ☆ 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now