Back in the game

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"what are you guys in here for" a girl asks me and bill as we sit in the cafeteria, i gave her a dirty look as she keeps staring at bill with flirty eyes. bill saw it and grabbed me by my neck and started to make out with me until she left. we have been in jail for about 3 weeks and we have accepted this life. the alarm went off meaning lunch is over so it's time to go back into our rooms. bill took me by my hand and we made our way. as we were walking something or someone grabbed me and bill into a corner. we see it's tom in a police uniform, bill face lighting up at the sight of his brother. "bill" tom says hugging him then he hugs me. "tom what are you doing here i thought you was dead" bill hugs him one more time. "tonight you guys are getting out of this shit hole" tom smirks before he punches bill in the face. "ouch!" bill scoffs as a police officer comes up to us. "take them to there room" he says before leaving as tom nods at him. "sorry he was watching us" tom laughs. gosh i missed his cheeky laugh. "be careful" bill says hugging him one more time before we left.


"so?" Gustav asks as i walk out, "i talked to them about it" i smile to my self. "okay good now we need Rachel and George to buy fuel and light matches, we are gonna start a fire in the D section first to distract the guards, C section there will still be guards so that's where me and Gustav shoot them" Leon says handing Gustav a gun as he nods. "what next?" i say crossing my arms.

"tom you will run to section A with Rachel and George and throw the sleeping bomb at the guards don't forget to cover you mouths so you don't inhale it. when they fall asleep you let bill and mara out. after they are out Rachel needs to start a fire there. after we all meet in the cafeteria and run to the door that has the number 21 on it. it's the most important room since it controls everything especially the jail cells. we will press every button to let the criminals out so they can maybe make it out of jail instead of them dying" Loen says with a grin on his face.


it's time now, i love the feeling when I'm about to do something bad, "tom be careful" Loen says before driving off with the rest. i scan the card and let my self in the jail i start to walk around to pretend I'm on duty. as i walk i spot the back door is clear. i take out my phone and text Rachel to go to the back door she sends me a thumbs up and that's when i start to make my way to open the door seeing them come in all prepared.


"go light D section up we will be hiding and text me when it's done" Loen tells me. Me and George nod before making our way. as we do our arms touched and i felt a spark and i think George did too. "let's focus for now?" i say nervously as he smiles and nods at me.

we made it to the D section, we secretly started to pour the fuel everywhere making sure the guards don't see us. as we was one spotted us as he was about to snitch on us George knocked him out. we both breath in relief before lighting up the fire matches throwing it into the fuel on the ground making the fire spread across the halls just like we wanted. soon screams of fear rom the prisoner's and guards stared to fill my ears. i texted Loen before we ran holding hands making our way to tom.


i hide with Loen waiting for Rachel to send us the text, i can't wait to see mara i have been so worried. we heard a ding Loen reached for his pocket and took his phone out reading the text Rachel sent. "it's time to go" Loen whispers as i nod. we both start to run to C section with our rifles. we both stop at the sight of them. "3,2,1" Loen says as on three we stared to shoot at them. the prisoners cheering at the sight of them all dead. "we gotta go" Loen said sending a text to tom quickly before we ran to the meeting spot since someone needs to keep an eye out on the cameras


i got the text from Loen, i put on scarf my face as George and Rachel came just in time, they both wrap their faces with scarf so they don't breathe in the toxic chemicals that will get you to sleep. we run to A, i throw the bomb wasting no time, the guards all looked confused at why a yellow fog suddenly came to them but they soon was put to sleep, even some prisoners fell asleep. i guess these are the ones that will not survive the fire i thought to my self as i chuckle. "why you laughing" George asks confused. "I'm not" i say putting on a serious face. "boys focus now let's go" Rachel rolls her eyes as we open bill's and mara's jail cells. "where is Gustav?" mara says hugging Rachel and George as Bill covers his mouth. "with Loen now cover your mouth" i tell mara as she nods. we start to talk away as Rachel was spreading the fuel. as she was doing that i texted Loen to wait in the canteen for us. he sent a thumbs up as Rachel lighted up the whole section. screams filling the halls making me smile brightly at such good work, Mara and Bill had smiles on there faces like they missed hearing people's last screams before they die.

"where to?" Bill asks, "FREEZE" a group of men say with black suits, "FUCK" i groan in madness, "boss wants to see you and talk to you" the one with the red tie says. "can you not?! we are literally on the run!" mara yells in disbelieve.

"Boss wants to have a word with you" says the man as the fire was spreading everywhere. "Tell him maybe next time" bill says before he takes Mara and runs. We all do the same run away from the men as they run after us. We made it all out but they still were following us. What do they want?

We ran to the car starting to drive off as we were slowly loosing those men.

"Who the fuck are they" I say in relief as I look out seeing no one following us.

"Fuck we left Leon and Gustav!" Mara yells, "no we are here" Leon chuckles in the front, we haven't realised they were here the whole time.

"Gustav!" Mara says hugging him.

"But seriously who were they?" Gustav asks confused.

"Bruce's men" Leon sighs as he drives.

Leon has some explaining to do!

𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - ☆ 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now