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Dad walks in and stops mid sentence when he sees me holding his hand.

The look he gives the guy. If looks could kill, he be 6 feet under.

"Grace, your assistance isn't needed anymore. Please go to your room. " I nod and go to drop his hand he doesn't let me.

"I need the support" is all his says never letting go of my hand

I stay still.

Dad stares at him.

He stares back.

Mom interrupts the silents. "Darling ist late and I am done why dont you go to bed." I nod and stand up and look at him. He reluctantly let's go of my hand and slips something in my hand without my parents seeing.

I walk out of the room without saying anything.

When I get to my room, I finally open my hand to see a business card with  a number on it with gold detailing on the edges.

In the middle, it is written Antonio Frerrai with a number right underneath it written in fine cursive.

I quickly put the number on my phone. Then, stash the card in my drawer. I look at the clock and see it is almost 10 o clock long past my bedtime.

I get everything on charge and my water next to bed and climb in and close my eyes, trying not to think of that blue-eyed devil.

I tos and turn for the next few hours, not getting an ounce of sleep. I keep thinking of that one someone. The time Andrew (Rowan butler) comes to wake me up for breakfast. I walked down sluggish stil tired from last night.

The sight i see is very unsettling. Mami is cooking while dad stands behind her whispering something in her ear, and she seems at ease with him standing so close even if it is unsettling for me.

"Hey guys," I say. Mami pushes Rowan off, which deeply upsets him. He doesn't say anything but distance himself from is and walks away with  under the pretenses that he needs to dress.

We dont say anything other than 'good morning' and 'how did you sleep'.

When rowan gets back, the table is set, and we are waiting for him.

"You guys did not have to wait," He says, fixing his cuff of his black armani suit.

"It's only good manners." Mami smiles. He only nods.

We eat in silence. When we finish, he excuses himself to go to his office.

"Mami, that wasn't necessary to be mean to him. He is clearly thrilled to have us here, and we are excluding him. Maybe we should start behaving like a family. " I say she ducks her head.

After a while, i can see her nod her head.

"Maybe we could go do something," She says, unsure of herself.

"You go talk to him, and i will get the dress," I say, already walking up the stairs.

When i get to the room, I quickly throw on a sundress and exit my room, ready to spend time with my new family

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 16 ⏰

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