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Yashraj Singh Raghuvanshi (75) -

Head of the family. Husband of Pallavi Singh Raghuvanshi. Chairman of Raghuvanshi Empire. He was the Mafia King before passing the throne to Reyansh. Support political parties, so that the government and law & order are under his control. To the outside world he is a ruthless, cold hearted, business minded person but for family he is a soft person. Love everyone in his family. Had a misunderstanding with his elder son because of which his elder son moved to America. Miss him secretly. Want his family to be complete.

Pallavi Singh Raghuvanshi (73) -

Female head of the family. Wife of Yashraj Singh Raghuvanshi. President of Raghuvanshi Organisation. Their branches are all across the world but mostly in India. She closely looks over orphanages and NGOs work. She is a sweet and caring old lady. Love her family the most. For her family comes first then everything else. Missed her elder son and his family a lot and haven't met them for 24 years. Want her elder son and his family to come back to India and to live with them. So, the family will be complete.

Raghav Singh Raghuvanshi/ Ryan Leo Matteo (48) -

Elder son of Yashraj and Pallavi. Elder brother of Rajeev. Married to his college sweetheart Aria. Father of Reyansh and Antonio. Love his wife and his sons. Mafia King of America. Cold hearted, ruthless demon, arrogant, most powerful and fearful men in America. He had a big argument (misunderstanding) with his father when he was 18 because of this he cut ties with his family and left India and moved to New York and settled there he faked his identity to Ryan Leo Matteo. Due to some reason he has to send his elder son to India to be with his family. Missed his eldest son, his younger brother, and his mother. He misses being with his family but is too egoistic to realise that.

Aria Romano Matteo/ Singh Raghuvanshi (45) -

Mother of Reyansh and Antonio. Wife of Raghav. She is a bold, strong yet sweet and lovely woman. Love her husband, knew about his past and real identity. She loves her sons the most. They are her life. Sad with Raghav because of him she is away from her first born, though she meets him every month but hates that he is not with them. Wants to live with her husband's family in India. She knows Raghuvanshi but can't meet or talk to them. She hopes that they all can be happy and together one day.

Rajveer Singh Raghuvanshi (46) -

Youngest son of Yashraj and Pallavi. Younger brother of Raghav. Husband of Meera. Father of Vivaan and Laksh. He was the CEO before passing the position to Reyansh and now he is a politician but still sometimes work on some few projects. Joined his maternal uncle's political party "Bharat Vikas Party". He is sharp intellect, political savvy, ruthless and cold hearted but for the outside world. For the family he is the coolest and fun-going person. Love Reyansh and Siya more than his own child. Can do anything to keep his family safe and happy. Love and miss his brother but respect his decision. Want him to come back and live with them forever.

Meera Singh Raghuvanshi (44) -

Wife of Rajveer. Daughter-in-law of Yashraj and Pallavi Raghuvanshi but they love her like their daughter. Daughter of Yashraj's friend and his secretary Sanjay Murty. She is a south indian who belongs to a tamil family. She is a sweet, shy but strong and respectful woman. Love her family, especially all her childers. She is like a mother figure to Reyansh and Siya. Cooking for her family is her favorite thing to do. She is the principal and dean of Royal High International School and College in Jaipur. She looks after all the schools and colleges which are under Raghuvanshi Organisation. Knew everything about Raghav and his family. Want him to come back, so that no one in her family will be sad. Hoping that one day everyone will be happy and together.

Vihaan Singh Raghuvanshi (24) -

Elder son of Rajveer and Meera. Second grandchild of Yashraj and Pallavi. Cousin brother and best friend of Reyansh. Mafia prince and Second in command. Ruthless and a very aggressive person. COO of Raghuvanshi Empire. Co- founder and COO of Cyber NOVA. He is also a programming head of the company. Smart and intelligent businessman. For the family he is the silent but sarcastic guy. Love his family the most. Knows everything about the family past and his bade papa. Secretly meet Aryan once during Reyansh visit. Love Aryan like a little boy. Protective towards his family. Want everyone to be together.

Laksh Singh Raghuvanshi (23) -

Youngest son of Rajveer and Meera. Third grandchild of Yashraj and Pallavi. Cousin brother and best friend of Reyansh. Younger brother of Vihaan. Mafia prince and Third in command. CFO of Raghuvanshi Empire. Co- founder and CFO of Cyber NOVA. He is also a Technical Director of the company. Computer expert, hacker of the group. Although he looks like a scary, emotionless, cold hearted person but with his closed one he is a flirty, joyful and funny guy. Loves his family and can do anything to protect them. Want his bade papa and everyone to be with them as a happy family. Aryan is his buddy. Loves his brothers the most.

Aryan Singh Raghuvanshi / Antonio Dante Matteo (17) -

Youngest member of Raghuvanshi family. Second and youngest son of Raghav and Aria. Fourth grandchild of Yashraj and Pallavi. Live with his parents in New york. Pampered by his mother but he is under training to be in the mafia. Arrogant and short temper. But only sweet to his mother and family. Knew about his identity and Family background. He hasn't met any family members except Reyansh, Vivaan and Laksh. Love his brothers the most and want to be with them and learn things. Love and respect his brother Reyansh the most, hate that he is not with them. Want to live with his family in India.


Hey Guys!

First of all please check out the previous chapter "Main Character" as I have made few changes and have added the aesthetics. 

I hope you all like the update so far. Please let me know.

The Introductions are over, Now the real story begins.

Get ready guys.

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