izva 😼😼

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Cody: hi guys

Noah: hi Cody

Leshawna: Woah, no Izzy going insane over Noco??

Izzy: yeah, I'm busy

Izzy: I have a life outside of shipping you guys

[Izzy's apartment]

Izzy turned off he notifications and set her phone down. Eva, her girlfriend of a few months, turned and smiled at her (not Eva being soft with Izzy 😭😭) before turning back to the movie they were watching.

[2 hours later]

The movie ended, and Izzy yawned. "I think I'm gonna go to bed babe.." she said tiredly. "Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes." Izzy walked away, going into their room. She laid down, waiting for Eva.

[A few minutes later]

Eva quietly walked in the room, seeing Izzy in bed. Eva got into bed beside her, pulling out her phone and going on social media until she felt a weight on her chest. She looked down from her phone to see Izzy cuddling her. "I love you.." she mumbled as she cuddled with Eva. "I love you too Iz." She replied, putting down her phone to cuddle with her girlfriend.

Sorry for the kinda short chapter 😭😭😭

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