4, villain kids

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It was the middle of the night and Fiona couldn’t sleep. She found herself continuing to think about everything. She thought about Mal and the complete lack of remorse she showed. Mal, to Fiona, seemed to be acting as though she had nothing to be sorry for, and if she did she should just be forgiven automatically without even apologizing. 

She thought about Carlos and how hurt he seemed when Fiona told him they weren’t friends anymore. She almost felt bad for him, but at the same time it was true. She’s spent her whole life putting herself down and making herself unhappy just to make everyone else happy. She was tired of always worrying about everyone else before herself. Carlos left her the same way the others did, and it was not her job to tell him it didn’t matter, because it did. 

She thought of Harry and the nickname he used when it was just the two of them. She had no idea what ‘Chridhe’ meant, but it had to be something. Why would he refuse to tell her what it meant? Maybe it was an insult, and she just has no idea because it sounds cute and she doesn’t speak that language. 

She also thought of the way Harry made her feel. How she blushed everytime he put his arm around her and the way she felt safe around him. It wasn’t necessarily a good feeling because it always led to thoughts of Jay. She missed Jay so much, and that is what kills her the most. He hurt her more than the rest of them and yet she still missed him. And if these feelings for Harry ever did progress, she could never date him. She could never hurt Harry like that. She refused to date him if she was always gonna be stuck on Jay. 

Which of course, led to thoughts of Jay. He used to be perfect in her eyes. He was so caring and was always there for her. She was truly in love with Jay. She actually thought she had a chance of staying with him. But she should’ve known. Nothing lasts forever. Especially when he always used to flirt with every girl he say. 

She just wanted things to be different. 

“Jay!” She squealed in between laughter. “That tickles”

“That's the point.” He replied as he continued to tickle her stomach. “Cry uncle.” 

“Uncle!” She practically screamed. Jay stopped tickling her and sat back. He stared at her as she caught her breath. “Why are you staring at me?” She asked. 

“Because you're just so pretty.” He laid down on the bed and pulled her into his arms before taking his head into the crook of her neck. “I love you.” He whispered. 

“I love you too.” 


“What are you trying to say Jay?” Fiona asked. She knew what he was gonna say before he even said it, but she really hoped she was wrong. 

“I just don’t think this is working out, Fiona.” He told her. While he looked slightly sad, he more than anything looked guilty. “I just think it's ruining our friendship.”

“Well, yeah.” She breathed out incredulously. “Obviously! We aren’t just friends, Jay. We’re dating. Of course that ‘ruins’ the friendship.” 

“Fiona, I’m sorry.” 

With that, he got up and walked away. Leaving her alone to think about everything. 

Tears cascaded down her face and she sobbed into her pillow.  “He’s a goddamn liar.” She whispered sadly. 


Fiona looked down at the scars left on her arms from that night. That was the night everything fell apart. That was the night she felt like she lost everything. After that, she and Jay were really awkward around each other for about a month before things went back to normal. About a month before he left, he and Fiona started talking again. Or, at least that's what it felt like to Fiona. She started to feel the same way for him that she had felt  before. 

Then he left, and told her that when he returned they would talk about everything. He told her they would talk about the possibility of them dating again. Then he never came back. He never sent any kind of message to her to let her know there was a change of plans, neither did the rest of them. She was left to find out through the fucking news. And yet they all have the audacity to act like they did nothing wrong. 

The knowledge that Jay was somewhere in town honestly scared Fiona. She worried about how she act when she saw him. So far, she had done an extraordinary job of turning down Mal and Carlos, but if she saw Jay looking as wounded as Carlos she didn’t think she’d be able to handle it. 


“Hi, Benny-Boo.” Fiona teasingly greeted the prince. She glanced down at the ropes holding him in place before looking back up at his face. “Feeling comfortable?” 

“As comfortable as can be at the moment, thank you for asking.” Ben replied politely. 

Fiona rolled her eyes. “Ugh. You grew up being taught manners didn’t you?” 

“That I did.” He nods. “I was taught to always be respectful.” 

“Huh. So let me get something straight. You were taught to respect the children of villains, but you weren’t taught to treat them equally. Would you like to tell me why?” 

Ben looked confused. “I don’t really get what you’re saying. How am I treating you like you aren’t an equal?”

“Oh, it isn’t you specifically. It’s just that we are stuck over here, cut off from everything in the outside world, because of who our parents were. They lock us in here with the people they hate instead of giving us the same chances all of them have. We are punished because of what our parents did. I am stuck on this island, losing both of my parents, and seeing all of my friends leave me because you ‘wanted to give villain kids’ a chance, when we should’ve been getting one in the first place! I am treated the same way as my father when I did nothing to deserve it. Why is that fair to me? Why do I have to deal with all of us when it was my father that was the villain?” 

Ben didn’t say anything for a moment. He only looked at her. He knew who she was now. She had heard her name mentioned once or twice around Mal and the others. This was Fiona Candy. Daughter of King Candy. Orphan as of two years ago. One of the villain kids that got left behind. “I-” Ben paused. Fiona’s speech shocked him. He had never fully realized just how privileged he was simply because his parents were heroes rather than villains. “I never really thought about that. I’m sorry, Fiona. I, I wanted to send more kids over but-” 

“Wait, don’t tell me.” She interrupted. Let me guess, you were too busy spending time with your new girlfriend and fulfilling your princely duties to worry about us stuck over here. Is that correct?” 

Ben nodded reluctantly. 

“Right.” She nodded once. “Well, I hope when this is all over you can go do all that and we’ll stay here continuing to be treated as the outlaws our parents were.” 

“It’s not entirely our fault, though.” Ben said. “I mean, we put the villains here. It isn’t our fault they had kids while they were here.” 

“Let me get one thing straight with you, Beast Jr.” She paused to calm herself down. “Our parents may be the villains but it is your parents that treat us like this. You’re right, it isn’t your fault the villains had kids, but how hard would it really have to give those kids the same opportunities?”

A/N: I'm back. My phone got taken away when I moved in with my dad so I haven't been able to write in a long time. However, I got a laptop for Christmas so i'm trying to get back into writing. I lost the gifs and to be honest, I don't have the energy to remake them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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