\\ 2. Fine Day //

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    I wake up this morning feeling- pretty good, actually. I stretch and stand to grab the spear I had stuck into the ground for safekeeping the night before. I place it onto my back and turned to leave the shelter I stayed in. Afterall, I better get going if I want to fill my food pips before the cycle ends.

    As I exited the pipe and step out into the open, I survey the room. There seemed to be no dangers at the moment, but I am still cautious as I walk away from the pipe I have arrived out of. I glance around again, this time looking for food, and my eyes catch the red color of a Popcorn Plant.

    I start to wander over to it, sliding the spear off my back and into my paws. It is high up, but there are poles I can climb up to get to the plant. I decide that placing the spear on my back again would help me climb the poles more efficiently.

    I would reach a point where I could pull myself up onto the stone platform the Popcorn Plant was located on. I snatched the spear off of my back again while approaching the plant.

 I then thrust the spear into the plant, and the red leaves popped open. I reached out to grab the contents inside the plant, when I heard a sound. A hissing sound. Like that of a--

    Before I could even finish my thought, a large red lizard drops out of a pipe above me, with it's jaws wide open- Ready for capture.

[ 273 words! again, not much, but I'm keeping my first story short. Bye! Have a great day! <3 ]

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