Chapter 65: One hour

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  When he returned to France, Orion immediately got to work on the controlled fusion project, and the professors at the Gordon University finally finished writing the plasma control program. At about the same time, the construction of the supercomputer was also completed.

  The issue of the superconducting coils had been settled, as well as the problems of the main control computer and the control program, and now there was only one thing left for him to do, and that was the experiment.

  After a meeting and discussion, the next experiment plan was finally set for the 20th of August.

  The engineers responsible for tuning the equipment had already completed the final preparations before the experiment. The line of sight passed through the floor-to-ceiling window and landed on the steel beast that was prostrate in the centre of the laboratory.

  In a solemn and steady voice, Orion spoke.

  "Let's get started!"


  The water-cooled divertor was one of the most critical components on the controlled fusion device, and it was also the shortcoming of the relatively inferior domestic field of controlled fusion. Unable to solve this critical problem, it is theoretically impossible for the STAR device to do better than the WEGA.

  In other words, if the problem of water-cooled divertor is solved, the confinement time of the domestic tokamak device can also be improved by quite a lot ...... Of course, the problem of tearing the magnetic surface of the current inside the plasma which caused plasma disruption and so on still remains unsolvable.

  However, nothing is absolute.

  To achieve long time plasma confinement, the heat dissipation of the first wall material must be solved, but increasing the cooling rate is not the only way to solve that problem.

  Improving the control protocol to reduce the direct contact between the plasma and the first wall material through precise control of the external field coils can achieve the same result. While this route is technically much more difficult to achieve than the water-cooled divertor, on the other hand, it is almost without any engineering difficulty. Having solved the problem of the control program, it is quite natural to achieve long time confinement.

  After completing the construction of the supercomputer, he honoured his agreement with Cara and gave it a new home, the supercomputer 'Occigen', while the original server, which served as a "RP repeater" between the LAN and the Internet, was stored at his home, so that he could communicate directly with Cara via mobile devices. As for security ...... To be honest, if the AI that the system gave him could be hacked, it was mostly unlikely that anyone in the planet who could do such a thing.

  Anyway, Cara, after moving into its new home, through learning the algorithms of the original plasma control program inside the supercomputer, as well as analysing the data from the experiments, it drastically optimised the control program installed inside the supercomputer.

  The original experiment was planned to be carried out until the end of thirty minutes, but as a result, he didn't expect that when the experiment was carried out for that long, the environment inside the reaction chamber inspected by the various detectors was unexpectedly good.

  Then, his mobile phone received a [^_^] from Cara ......

  So, after a short communication with Cara, Orion temporarily changed the experiment plan and reset the experiment target to more than one hour ......


  At this moment, a pure white system space.

  Standing in front of the translucent holographic panel, Orion confirmed the completion of the mission.

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