Chapter 11: Reawakened

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The figure let out a burst of energy, then rampantly charged at Skye at high speed, trying to end this quickly with one shot.

As for Skye, she simply dragged her body aside, sidestepping his incoming attack. The figure was slightly surprised, as he then stopped himself with a brake from going overboard.

The moment he turned his head behind, whirlwind spheres appeared in front of him at close range.

He swiftly guarded himself with his hands at the last second, as the wind blasts hit right on him head on. Although they did less significant damage, but he was somehow realised as he was getting pushed back by them.

Frustrated, he leaped up, dodging all of them at once.

But of course, Skye saw him trying to escape in midair, as she later launched herself towards him with a whirlwind thrust, also filling up whirlwind with her two paws.

The figure saw Skye approaching closer and closer to him. He knew had no choice but to went in for a head on clash.

Both of them then exchanged blows and direct punches in the air, as well as blitzing themselves everywhere at swift movements. Explosions and air shockwaves generated in the sky.

"This is getting somewhat annoying, pup!!" The figure shouted, then dealt a super strong punch at her. Luckily, Skye had time to defend herself with her paws, but the force launched her back a hundred feet away.

Skye looked behind her, and found out that she was going to crash on one of the buildings from behind. She steered herself away from the building with a whirlwind and landed safely on the road.

But just as she looked up, hundreds of red energy blasts rained down from the sky like a meteor shower.

Skye quickly shielded herself with a whirlwind barrier, which protected her from the blasts. However, despite surviving from the attack, the city was now completely ruined because of the energy blasts.

As soon as Skye cancelled her barrier after the blasts ended, she saw the figure rocketing towards her from the sky like a shooting star.

The figure was about to strike an axe kick towards Skye who was standing on the road, but Skye leaped away, avoiding the powerful hit. The figure missed and instead struck on the ground, creating a mighty explosion which was able to made Skye caught off guard and got sent flying away back towards the sky again.

Skye got propelled backwards, while all of a sudden a red energy dome appeared around the place where Skye was standing earlier, which also enveloped the nearby buildings as well. The energy dome then released a massive red shockwave which resulted in destroying everything around it.

A massive red energy beam suddenly bursted out of the dome and shot towards the sky. The beam was so gigantic that it can be seen around the whole city of Barkingburg.

Skye quickly halted herself in midair, as she then looked down and saw the figure powering up with more energy, while releasing deadly shockwaves that'll blow away everything around it.

"His energy is huge!!" Skye thought.

Once the figure finished charging up, he lunged towards Skye with an even greater speed than before.

Skye silently let out a smile, as she then instantly got into her charged-up form while bypassing paw bumping, and later flew towards the figure.

Both of them clashed attacks once again while flying everywhere. Seemingly as the both of them are pretty much equal in terms of power. However as time passes by, Skye noticed that his energy's gradually increasing, as he slowly got the upper hand in battle.

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