vetitum (forbidden)

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"So, what have we missed while we have been travelling?" Gaius asked once the four had taken their places on the sella around the room. Gaius had taken a moment to change into the appropriate black tunic of mourning before Atia had led them into the tablīnum to talk.

"Marcus Antonius reached a deal with the murderers," Lucretia began, taking a moment to watch as Gaius narrowed his eyes, "though, I believe he is rethinking that agreement."

"Oh is he?" Gaius asked

"The people of Rome are quite unhappy with the murderers being... forgiven. They too want justice for our father," Lucretia explained, giving Gaius a small smirk at the end.

"Yes, our father was quite liked by the people," Gaius turned his head towards Agrippa, who raised an eyebrow at his friend, "yes... I have a plan."

"Already?" Atia asked, "but... well, is it not dangerous?"

"Dangerous? We are children of the Julii. We do not run and we do not cower," Lucretia said, raising her chin, "the people of Rome loved my father. They will love his son the same, if we play it right."

Her new brother smirked, leaning towards Lucretia and allowing his dark hair to fall and block his mother from view. "What do you suggest, sweet sister?"

"To gain power we need allies," she began, as Agrippa leant forward as well, "Antonius wished to be seen as the political successor to our father, so he will not back you." Agrippa clicked his teeth. "To gain support we must use the Senate-''

"The Senate?" Agrippa asked, "the ones who support those that murdered Caesar?"

Lucretia rolled her eyes, "yes, Agrippa, them." He opened his mouth but Lucretia cut him off, "of course we only use them for a short while, just until you have a large enough force to pose a threat to those who oppose us."

Gaius and Agrippa locked eyes and for a long moment Lucretia wished she could read their thoughts. "Okay," Gaius finally said, "where do you suggest we start?"

Lucretia took a breath, no one had ever listened to her this intensely before, especially not men. Well, here goes. "Do you have any legions?"

"Two, we collected them in Brundisium, though I cannot pay them until I have my inheritance. Which I have heard one Marcus Antonius is keeping safe for me." Gaius's voice became scornful by the end of his sentence, an underlying note Lucretia did not understand hidden beneath the words.

"Well, two won't be enough. Not to fight Antonius and certainly not to fight the armies of the east."

"If you had the name Caesar, many of my uncle's legions may defect to you," Atia cut in, causing the three others to jump and spin back to her. "What? Forget I was here?"

Lucretia smiled and shook her head at the elder woman, "She is correct, many of our father's legions are loyal to the name Caesar. Once you legally hold it-"

"I do," Gaius cut her off, making Lucretia turn a glare to him, "apologies. But I do hold the name Caesar. From this point I will go by the name Gaius Julius Caesar, as my father did." Lucretia nodded and smiled at him, yes, he was good.

Before they could continue the discussion the sound of the entrance opening made all four of the room's occupance turn. Silvius was here. Odd, this wasn't their house. The man was wearing a dark tunic and toga to signify his mourning for his wife's father, but it was adorned with blue and gold, not the pitch black the family was expected to wear after a death. Gaius and Agrippa both sat up, eyes darting to Lucretia in question.

"Husband, we were not expecting you," Lucretia smiled, standing to greet her husband with a kiss.

"Wife, no I umm... I heard that your cou- brother had returned," Silvius responded, turning his head toward Gaius and Agrippa, who had stood and were watching them with slightly narrowed eyes. The picture of friends, both had dark tunics on, the same stance and expression on their faces. The same handsomeness too.

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