amor (love)

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6th Day Before the Kalends of December (26th November)

Lucretia tapped her foot. Agrippa had sent her a letter saying the way was over, that Cassius and Brutus were dead and that he and Gaius would be returning home. That was a month ago. There had been no letters since.

Unlike the last time her lovers had left though, this time she had little Fabia to look after, so her boredom was not so extreme. Lepidus had also been by the house a few times to discuss things with her. When he had first done this Lucretia had asked him why, he had replied that Gaius obviously trusted her and that made her an authority on what he would want, so while he was gone she was the one to ask. It felt good to have someone other than Agrippa and Gaius respect her opinion. She had also spent time with Octavia and Horatia, their young Marcella and Aulus had grown to quite like each other, as much as two one year olds could anyway.

To Lucretia dismay, Octavia sometimes brought along Scribonia, as she had today. The four women were seated in Horatia's atrium, watching the children play and waiting for the men to return. "They should be here soon right?" Scribonia asked, her brows furrowed. The woman was just out of her mourning period for her husband Publius Scipio, who had died of illness a year ago. She was taking full advantage of her ability to wear colour again, draped in bright red and gold, so bright in fact it was almost gaudy.

"They should," Horatia hummed in agreement. Scribonia looked as though she wanted to continue the conversation but there were footsteps and a slave appeared in the room.

"Domina, the dominus is back." Horatia was on her feet in moments, she took little Lucius by the hand and smiled appreciatively when Scribonia picked up Aulus.

Lucretia shifted Fabia from one of her hips to the other as she stood, holding out her free hand to help Octavia rise too. "I'll hold him while you get her," Lucretia said, holding out her free arm to take Marcella from her mother. Octavia muttered a thanks, handing over the two month old, while bending down with a huff to pick up her one year old. "Two children in two years, I'd kill my husband," Lucretia joked. Octavia let out a soft laugh, the two continuing to joke about pregnancy and their children until they reached the door.

Horatia and Lucius were already locked in each other's embrace. Gaius and Agrippa stood behind them, expressions softer than normal at the sight. "Gaius! Agrippa!" Lucretia called, ignoring all proper social protocol, handing her daughter to one of the slaves beside them, and launching herself at her lovers.

"Lucretia... Lucretia... Lucretia," they both said softly. "We're okay," Gaius whispered. "But..."

Lucretia pulled back, her eyes filled with worry. "What?"

"Silvius... he died of his wounds on the return."

Lucretia blinked. Silvius... her husband. Dead of his wounds from a battle he really shouldn't have been fighting personally in. She turned away from her brother and towards Lucius, who had pulled away from Horatia and was watching her with slightly red eyes. Lucretia finally noted that he was dressed in a black tunic with no adornment. A mourning tunic. She gulped. "Pompona?"

"Yes domina," her slave asked.

"Retrieve one of my black dresses for me."

"Yes domina."


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