Day 1 - Helpless

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CW: Injuries, blood, joking about death(?)


If there was ever a time when Nyxie really needed someone to come and save her, it was now.

Considering the arrow sticking out of her side, the blood loss resulting from it and the tiny little hidey-hole in a cave that she'd made to hide themself from the various zombies and skeletons and creepers that had come across her while caving, she's probably at least a little tiny bit screwed.

At least she admitted it. She knew of multiple people that would rather die than accept that they needed help. Like, seriously, how dense does one have to be to completely ignore that they aren't infallible, and when it comes up pretend it doesn't apply to them?

And now she was rambling.

She is definitely delirious by now.

Nyxie huffs, wincing when the movement jostles her wound. Frowning, she glances down to inspect it.

The arrow is pretty deeply imbedded into her side, but as far as she can tell, it hasn't hit anything too important, thank the Universe. Still, though, there is a pretty obvious trail of blood dripping down her torso and onto the stone floor of the cavern, and her brain was already a little fuzzy from the bloodloss.

Oh, how she would die for a regen potion right now.

That's probably a terrible joke to make at the moment.

Oh well.

Nyxie hums a tuneless melody to herself, not really knowing what to do. After a while, however, she ends up sitting down in the one-by-one-by-two gap in the floor she made for herself, trying her best not to hit the arrow on the tight wall next to her, or really to jostle it in general.

Finally, she finds a position that only hurts to sit in a little bit without been too uncomfortable in general. She grabs her comm —how in the world did she forget about her comm— and sends a message to the world chat. She drops it back in her pocket immediately after.

Nyxie sighs.

Now to wait for someone to pick her up.

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