Day 13 - 'You weren't supposed to get hurt'

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CW: Injuries, slight self-deprecation(?), non-graphic violence

AN: this chapter did not vibe with me tbh but it's FINE


To be fair, Nyxie did not, in fact, try to get into this situation.

It's usually her friends that do dumb stuff and end up in the middle of nowhere with no reception, for goodness' sake! She's usually the one to sigh at them and pick them up, or something.

Nyxie huffs, staring at the tree in front of her in annoyance. She looks around at the forest around her, as if she glares hard enough she can somehow force nature to spit her back out onto her couch or on her friends' doorstep.

Predictably, it doesn't work.

She sighs, starting to pace a circle around the tiny opening she found. Nyxie glances up to the sky, before wincing and staring down again at the ground. Probably midday, then. That's definitely enough time to get home, then. She'd just have to keep moving.


It was not enough time to get home.

Nyxie slid down to the ground, holding up her vaguely box-shaped dirt hole she'd made herself. A small hole in the ceiling showed her that it was still dark. Groans and strange clacking noises echo from either five metres or five kilometres away from where she was sitting.

Apparently, the noises were coming from five metres away because as she twisted to become more comfortable, she hears a zombie way too close to her, and before she can react, a clawlike hand drags itself down her arm.

Nyxie hisses, quickly stabbing a dagger into its brain and watching it turn to dust. She takes a moment to breathe, before packing more dirt into the gap in the wall. She would take longer, if there isn't apparently a skeleton outside her shelter with a not-almost-broken bow.

After making absolute sure that there isn't anything that something can shoot or hit her through, she slumps down against the wall, sucking in a breath through her teeth as her injured arm hits the floor. Taking the hint, she starts to inspect it.

There's three deep gashes trailing down her arm. There's a couple other scratches from just her general inability to pay attention to unfamiliar environments, but the gashes are the most prominent. She winces again as she twists her arm so she can see it better.

Nyxie looks around her shelter for her bag, so she can patch herself up, but as it turns out, she seems to have left her bag outside as she was panic-building a shelter.

She shuts her eyes and leans back. She wasn't supposed to be getting hurt! If anyone, it was Emery, or maybe even Calixto if it was unlucky, who would get into stupid situations, not her! She was supposed to help them!

Before Nyxie can get herself into even more of a crisis, though, her adrenaline from the past few minutes crashes, and she flops sideways onto the ground, and she goes unconscious, just as the sun begins to rise.

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