Day 19 - 'please don't'

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CW: Implied illness

AN: trying to get back into the swing of things and ~failing~


Of course it's the middle of the night when Calixto wakes up.

Emery groans, stretching her arms, and almost starts to move her legs when she realises that Calixto is fully draped over her, gangly limbs and all.

Huh. It wasn't there when she fell asleep.

Emery starts to shift off the chair she is sitting on, hoping to get into a more comfortable position, when she sees dull, slightly purple eyes staring back up at her.

"Em'ry?" Calixto murmurs.

Emery jumps a little at her name, but calms down when Calixto starts to look unnaturally worried. "Hey, Calio," she says.

Calixto winces at the volume. Emery frowns a little, before speaking a little more quietly. "Sorry."

Calixto whines a little, rolling over back onto the bed, then reaching over to Emery again. Emery holds onto Calixto with one hand, then rests another on its head with the other. It's still feverish, but definitely less than before.

Thank the gods.

It leans into the touch, actually sitting up a bit before falling back onto the bed. Emery takes advantage of the distraction to check the time on her comm.

2:14 AM

Emery groans, rubbing her eyes. So that's why she's so tired. She glances around the room again, squinting to see in the darkness. She should probably go and get herself some actual sleep in her own bed, so she doesn't also get sick or something.

She stands up slowly, grimacing when her knees pop a bit more painfully than usual, and almost makes it to the door before she turns around again.

Calixto's eyes, glowing faintly in the darkness, gaze longingly back at her.

Emery sighs. "Please don't," she mutters half-heartedly, "I do not have the energy to stay awake right now."

Calixto just stares.

Emery drags her hand down her face. "Ugh, fine," she says, a little louder than she probably should've, "I'll sit with you. Don't feel bad in the morning when you suddenly regain consciousness or something and see me still next to you or something."

She walks back to the bed and sits down next to Calixto, careful not to disturb it too much. Even in her sleep-deprived, incredibly annoyed state, she can still appreciate how cute pretty hot good-looking Calixto looks, despite the fact that it is very obviously feverish and bundled up in blankets like no one's business.

Emery starts to shift a bit, but Calixto pulls her down to the bed with surprising strength. She turns over, away from Calixto, just so that she doesn't have to breathe in the illness, but Calixto insistently rolls her back. Emery huffs, but she doesn't really mean it. Her eyes are slowly closing, and by the way Calixto's heartbeat is slowing down from its usual speed of slightly-faster-than-normal, it's falling asleep too.

"Calio?" Emery mumbles, teetering on the verge of sleep. "Love you."

She falls asleep before she hears the responding "Love you too."

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