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Cowboy au
|Bakubottom- slight kinks- Cowboy Kirishima|
|it's gonna go back and forth between povs. Sorry if it gets a bit confusing|

Kirishima's POV:》
I let a soft sigh fall past my lips when I realize I might be a bit late to my racing tournament. I already have my red outfit on and ready, white pants that were made to get dirty and a red button up tucked into the pants that has my number on it which happens to be the number 9, I also have my red helmet with the word "Riot" engraved in it with gold letters. I walk out of my house and into the stables to the sound of chickens and pigs on the left of me...I continue walking past the horses to grab my worn, used black sattle. I grab it and open my beautiful black mare; Simmer's stall before easing it on her, moving my hands below her stomach to button it up and when I deemed it tight enough I put my foot in the stirrup before pulling myself ontop of Simmer. I look straight ahead and put my helmet on before clicking my tongue to get her to move forward and before I knew it I was on the gravel road...heading to the stadium down west. I listen to Simmers hoofs hit the gravel beneath us with each step. I've had Simmer for about 2 years now and she's almost 5 years of age...She's also one of my favorite horses due to our strong bond. It was like the moment I saw her at the horse sale it all clicked. I remember her looking skinny as hell due to her previous owner not taking good care of her...I'm just glad she's now in good hands. My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of birds flying over our head near the clouds. And the moment I look forward again...The stadium is in view.

《Katsuki's POV:》
I yelled back at my mom, as she was starting to piss me off. We had been arguing for nearly an hour now, over the dumbest shit. As she's yelling back at me I get a phone call, so I ignore her and just walk away to answer my phone. I pull my phone out and answer it. One of my buddies asks me if I'm going to that race later. I sigh and reply with "sure, I need to get away from this shit hole anyways." Since my mom had been pissing me off. He tells me he'll meet me there and I hang up. After I hang up I grab some jeans, a flannel, and a white T-shirt. I quickly change into those, tucking my flannel into my pants a little before pulling my boots on and tucking my jeans over them. I walk out and continue to ignore my mom, get in my truck and head to the race. I sigh and try to take my mind off of things. I decide my thoughts are too loud so I turn some music on, blasting it to avoid my thoughts. I glance at my phone to see my buddy text me asking if I'm almost there. I ignore him and look at the road before seeing a line of people who are going to watch the race. I groan in annoyance not wanting to have to wait in a line. I soon park and grab my phone as I call my buddy asking where he is. He tells me he's at the front of the line which makes me less annoyed since I don't gotta wait so long now. I get out of my truck and walk over to the long line of people. I furrow my eyebrows and groan, for I have to push through people to get to Shindo. I tap people's shoulders, get asked if I wanna buy stuff from people, as well as push my way through people since they wouldn't listen to me when I asked if they would move. I tuck my head down as I shove my way to the front of the line. Once I meet up with Shindo we pay to get in and head towards the arena. I go up to the fence and lean on it, peeking through to see what's happening, as I'm starting to regret coming. Shindo nudges me and points over at a conssesion stand and asks if I want anything. I simply reply with "no, those stands are disgusting and full of nasty ass grease" so he rolls his eyes and walks off and looks through all the stands for something good as I stand at the fence. I walk over to the bleacher and sit down at the bottom towards the edge so people don't bombard me. I lean back as I watch Shindo walk back with food and drinks. I roll my eyes at him and holler "I said I didn't want anything!" He laughs and tells me he wanted to get me something anyways. He comes and sits next to me. After he sets everything down I push him off the bleacher and laugh at him. "Hey man! What the hell was that for!?" He asks me before getting up and sitting down again. "I thought it'd be funny. And it sure as hell was" I laughed before looking towars the horses in the cages.

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