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As the members of BTS huddled together to discuss their plan, Namjoon took charge, "Our first priority is to lift that weapons and arms ban. We need to get our hands on weapons discreetly. Any ideas?"

Yoongi, known for his strategic mind, suggested, "We could establish connections with arms dealers outside Daegu. Arrange discreet transactions to avoid suspicion."

Jin added, "We need a cover. How about setting up a front business? Something unrelated, like an import-export company, to mask our real activities."

Namjoon nodded, "Good. And we'll need someone with a poker face to negotiate these deals. Someone the import-export governmental authorities won't suspect."

Taehyung, his eyes filled with determination, volunteered, "I'll do it. I can maintain a facade, make them believe I'm just a businessman."

Jimin, ever the pragmatic one, cautioned, "We can't rely solely on smuggling. We need intel. Find Y/n's weaknesses. Anyone have ideas on how to do that?"

Jungkook, with a hint of mischief, suggested, "What if we plant someone close to her? Gain her trust and feed us information."

As the discussion unfolded, Namjoon outlined the plan, "We need someone with a poker face to negotiate deals discreetly. Any volun—"

Before Namjoon could finish, V abruptly cut him off, his voice sharp and determined, "I'll do it. I'll go undercover and gain her trust."

Namjoon, slightly taken aback, started to respond, "V, we need to think—"

V interrupted, his eyes ablaze with a fierce resolve, "No, Namjoon. I've got my reasons. I've been hurt the most by her, and I'll be the one to extract revenge."

Jungkook and Jimin exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the intensity in V's eyes. Namjoon, recognizing the determination, sighed and nodded, "Alright, V. But be careful. We can't afford any mistakes."

V's gaze remained unwavering as he affirmed, "I know what I'm getting into. She won't see it coming."

With that, the room shifted, the focus now squarely on V. The plan evolved, and BTS prepared to set their intricate dance into motion, with V taking center stage in this clandestine performance designed to bring down The Lioness – their elusive adversary in the shadows of Daegu's underworld.

In the hushed solitude of his isolation, V's mind churned with a maelstrom of fury, fueled by the betrayal he felt at the hands of Y/n – The Lioness. Shadows danced across his determined face as he brooded over a plan, a twisted vendetta forming in the depths of his anger.

"She thinks she can manipulate me, use me like a pawn," he muttered, his voice dripping with contempt. "But I'll turn the tables. I'll play her own game and leave her broken, just like she left me."

The dim light accentuated the intensity in V's eyes as he devised a revenge plot with meticulous calculation. "I'll seduce her, draw her into a trap of false intimacy. Make her believe I'm ensnared in her charms. And then," he paused, a sinister satisfaction creeping into his voice, "I'll shatter her illusions, leave her crumbling in the ruins of her own deceit."

His fists clenched with a ferocious determination as he continued, "She won't see it coming. I'll exploit every weakness, make her believe in a twisted mirage of affection, and then snatch it away. I'll inflict the same pain she unleashed on me."

V's anger reverberated through the room, his vow hanging in the air like a dark omen. "This is my revenge," he declared, his tone unwavering. "I won't hold back. She'll regret ever crossing paths with me."

As the shadows deepened around him, V's plan unfolded like a malevolent tapestry, the threads of anger, betrayal, and vengeance weaving a dark narrative in the intricate dance between enemies in the clandestine underworld of Korea.

As the members of BTS geared up for their covert mission, the atmosphere in the room crackled with a mix of determination and tension. Tools of deception, communication devices, and carefully crafted disguises were scattered across the table, each item symbolizing a piece in the intricate puzzle they were about to unravel.

V, with meticulous precision, laid out the disguises. "We need to blend in seamlessly. If anyone recognizes us, the whole plan falls apart."

Namjoon, the strategist, studied the layout of Daegu's underworld. "We need to identify the key players, the ones who have Y/n's trust. Our success hinges on knowing her inner circle."

Yoongi, adjusting his earpiece, chimed in, "I've got connections with the arms dealers. We should be able to secure weapons without raising suspicion. But timing is crucial."

Jungkook, checking his disguise in the mirror, added with a smirk, "I can handle the infiltration. I'll get close and personal, gather intel without raising eyebrows."

Jimin, his eyes glinting with determination, spoke up, "And I'll be the eyes and ears from the outside. If anything goes wrong, I'll signal for an immediate extraction."

Taehyung, his resolve burning bright, declared, "I'll be the one to get close to her. Seduce her into a trap. Make her believe she's won."

The room buzzed with coordinated activity as each member prepared for their respective roles. The air hung thick with a mix of anticipation and determination, a silent acknowledgment that they were stepping into the dangerous dance of Daegu's underworld with a vengeance.

As they donned their disguises and equipped themselves with the tools of deception, a fierce camaraderie emerged. Each member understood the gravity of the mission, the stakes higher than ever.

The room, once a planning ground, now bore witness to the transformation of BTS into shadows, ready to navigate the intricate dance of deceit and vengeance in the clandestine world they were about to enter.

His eyes, once clouded by betrayal, now sparkled with a vengeful resolve. Addressing the rest of BTS, he declared with a voice dripping with intensity, "I'm not just here to play her game. I'm here for her destruction."

The room fell silent, the weight of V's words hanging in the air. Each member sensed the gravity of his determination and the dark path he was ready to tread. Jungkook, glancing at V, saw a flicker of something primal, a thirst for revenge that transcended mere strategy.

Namjoon, nodded solemnly, recognizing the transformation in V. "Just remember, we're in this together. Revenge isn't a solo mission."

V's gaze, unwavering, swept across the room. "I know. But Y/n is mine to destroy. I'll make sure she pays for every wound she inflicted."

With those words, the room became charged with an electric tension, a palpable anticipation of the impending clash between V and The Lioness – a confrontation destined to redefine the boundaries of their intricate dance in the shadows of Daegu's underworld.

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