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As the masquerade's relentless rhythm carried on, Y/n, lost in a sea of intoxication, teetered on the verge of unconsciousness. The once vibrant dance floor now blurred into a dizzying haze of lights and shadows.

Her senses dulled, she struggled to identify the faces around her. The masquerade masks became distorted, and the laughter of her council friends morphed into a distant echo. With each unsteady step, Y/n's world spun faster, and the grand ballroom transformed into a surreal dreamscape.

Unable to maintain her balance, she stumbled and fell, her body succumbing to the alcohol-fueled exhaustion. The world around her blurred into a kaleidoscope of indistinct shapes and colors, and she felt the cold touch of the floor beneath her.

In the midst of her disorientation, Taehyung, lurking in the shadows, seized the opportunity. Silently, he approached, his steps masked by the cacophony of the masquerade. Y/n, lost in her own world, failed to register his presence.

In her intoxicated haze, Y/n's senses were a chaotic symphony of disorientation. As Taehyung, masked in the shadows, guided her through the dimly lit corridors, she mumbled incoherent thoughts.

Y/n: (slurring) "Who are you? Where are we going?"

Taehyung, seizing the opportunity, maintained a feigned charm in his tone.

Taehyung: "Just helping a beautiful stranger find some rest. You seem lost."

Y/n, barely able to discern his features, giggled drunkenly.

Y/n: "Lost? Yeah, that's me tonight."

Taehyung, playing the part, continued leading her towards an unknown destination.

Taehyung: "Don't worry. I've got you."

Y/n, her vision blurred, mistakenly interpreted the situation.

Y/n: "You're handsome. Are you taking me to a room?"

Taehyung, his motives concealed, responded with a deceptive smile.

Taehyung: "Of course. I'll make sure you're comfortable."

Y/n, fumbling and disoriented, leaned into him for support.

Y/n: "You're a lifesaver. What's your name again?"

Taehyung, reveling in the guise of anonymity, replied smoothly.

Taehyung: "Call me... your savior for the night."

As they ventured deeper into the shadows, Y/n, oblivious to the impending deceit, clung to the illusion of assistance in her intoxicated stupor.

Within the dimly lit room, Taehyung's malicious intent unfolded as he strategically shattered a few items. The sound of breaking glass and splintering wood echoed through the confined space. Each calculated strike served as a sinister prelude to his elaborate scheme.

Taehyung, smirking in the shadows, envisioned the narrative he would craft – an illusion of an intruder attempting harm. He scattered broken pieces strategically, ensuring they aligned with the trajectory of his planned story.

As he vandalized the room, his thoughts wove a web of deception.

Taehyung: (smirking to himself) "Perfect. A few more broken things, and they'll buy into the danger that never existed."

The fragments of shattered objects littered the room, the aftermath of Taehyung's calculated chaos. He reveled in the anticipation of manipulating the situation, painting himself as the valiant savior coming to Y/n's rescue.

In the shadows, his cunning smile hinted at the satisfaction derived from orchestrating a plot that blurred the lines between danger and salvation, a narrative that would soon play out in the intricate dance of mafias and deception.

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