Y/N finds out about Ponyboys crush

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Authors note: His crushes name = H/C/N his friend = H/F, also you're a Curtis kid in this story.

I came home surprised and angry. I couldn't believe it, Pony has a crush on the the soc that has been picking on me for years.

"PONYBOY!" I said angry as I flung the front door open.

"Woah, hey Y/N what's wrong?"

"What's wrong, rumor says that you have a crush on H/C/N is this true?"

"Yeah it is, I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to make you mad." He said in a low voice. I knew he was scared.

"Hey it's ok, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's not that, I just don't want you to stop talking to me." His voice got even quieter.

"C'mon let's stop blocking the door come sit." I said as I was walking to the couch.

"Are you sure you want me to sit?"

"Of course you're my brother I couldn't say no even if I wanted to." I patted the cushion to get him to come over and sit.
"Plus you live here to this is also you couch."

"Yeah, you're right." He definitely was happy now.

"What did you want to tell me?"

Oh shit how do I tell him about them.
"Well about H/C/N they're a really bad person."

"But they seem so sweet to me." He said with a eyebrow raised.

"That's what they want you to think, they want everyone to think they're so perfect." I think he could tell I was annoyed.

"I do believe you" he said "I did notice that they seem to act differently around their friends."

"That's what I'm trying to say Ponyboy if you guys ever date they will only use you to get to me."

"That's the same thing H/F said but I just didn't want to listen to them." His voice was starting to get louder. It was good to know he was cheering up.

"As soon as they can get you wrapped around their finger they will leave you behind."

I know there was no way H/C/N could ever date Ponyboy, I mean a greaser dating a soc it could never happen. If it could somehow work then it would just mean that they're just trying to find new things to bully me about.

Pony went silent. "It's okay if you have a crush on H/C/N I want you to be happy and you know that. You're my baby brother I have to make sure you're happy." I said as I ruffled his hair. Thank god he didn't put any grease in his hair yet.

"Hey I'm not a baby anymore." He said while laughing at my comment. It felt good to see him happy again I never meant to make him sad.

"Yes you are at least you'll always be to me baby brother."

The next thing I knew we were running down the street because he chased me for calling him baby brother again. Wow am I really running faster than Pony he does track how am I doing this? I saw Johnny at the lot and tackled him to the ground.

"Woah there Y/N what are you running for."

"Shut you trap Johnnycake and hide me!"
I spat at him.

"Ok ok, are there socs trying to jump you?" He seemed to have a worried tone in his voice.

"No, I'm being chased!"

"By who?!" He said.

"Ponyboy, I called him a baby." I said out of breath.

"That makes sense, now come on I know where to hide!" His tone changed to be more happy.

"Y/N where are you?" I could hear Pony yelling for me to stop hiding from him.

I knew he would find us at some point I couldn't keep hiding from him forever.

"I don't think this is a good spot to hide Y/N, Pony knows about this spot I showed it to him in case he had to hide from socs."

At that moment Ponyboy was right behind me and shouted BOO it made the two of us jump.

"I told you so." Johnny said with a sarcastic voice.

"Hi Y/N!" Pony said with an overly cheerful voice.

"You have a really mean tackle Y/N you should ask Darry to teach you how to play football then we can all play together." Johnny seemed to be excited.

"Yeah Y/N!" said Ponyboy. " You should also consider doing track to, no one can out run me except for you."

"Who knows maybe I should ask Darry to teach me." I was actually going to ask tomorrow since he will be off.

"We should probably get going before Darry comes home from work Y/N, we don't want him to think we got hurt or even worse."

"Yeah we probably should" I said while standing up.

"Are you going to come with us Johnny?"

"Sure I will" I helped him up off the grass and we walked home.

Word count: 850

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