What they do when nervous

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What they do when they are nervous and how you stop them.

Ponyboy: He reads a lot more than he already does. You and Darry make plans to get him out of the house to try and keep his mind off whatever he's thinking about.

Sodapop: He bites his nails, you paint his nails so it tastes bad when he bites them.
He ends up really liking having his nails painted because it keeps the girls at the DX away from him.

Darry: He over works himself. You, Soda, and Pony lock him in a room and won't let him out until he calms down enough to tell you what's wrong.

Johnny: He's already quiet but he can get so quiet that no one will hear or even see him for days. You go to the lot to see if he's there when you see him you two have a one on one talk about what's going on.

Dally: He shakes his leg when he's sitting.
You sit on his lap and give him kisses so he can calm down.

Two-bit: He drinks a lot more than he already does. You either drink with him or take away the beer so he can sober up enough to talk to you.

Steve: He smokes and a lot to he can go through two packs in one day. Darry tells you to take them away from him and don't let him have them back till he tells someone what is going on.

Word count:256

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