Week one

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Carls POV
In the 21st of October, 2020
Today is an emergency day, My son was rushed to the hospital. He was admitted. I was sitting next to him while keeping an eye on him then suddenly my father in law came.

Then he asked " Is he okay? "I just nodded and said what happened to him. He then shouted to me " So this is the effect of negligence, just like you have done to my daughter last year, maybe if you gave him much attention then this could not be happening to him"

I was speechless that time he was scolding me then my mother in law came and said to him " George please stop blaming at him, Carl is great husband and good father"George said "Carl is the reason why Marvin was on the hospital right now ,He just neglected his son and has bad parenting, "

Yeah My father in law hates me ever since I and my wife Sarah married in February 14 2018, My wife is a Police officer and I am a doctor. We worked together to fixed our marriage. In January 2018,Sarah was pregnant and we were over the moon to have a child .In October 14 2019,
She she gave birth to our son, but until February 14 2018 she died caused by a car accident which my father in law blames me for that.

My mom in law was in charge of watching George while I am doing my duty, As I took a ,I went to seek to my sons room to see how he and grandmother are doing. As I peek on his room I am happy that how she treated my son.

Jessie POV
In the 21st of October, 2020.In the next day, I woke up feeling sick and not feeling well.
I had body pain with cold and fever.Angela came to my room and ugh I hate her she is annoying and rude. I have no choice. Angela said " You look feverish, the maid will make you a tea and your breakfast."
5 minutes went by
The maid came and gave my food, I soon ate my breakfast but I couldn't finish it because I was nauseous. I ended up running to the bathroom to get rid of the puke. I made a distance from everyone because I might be infected with the new virus. So I just went to my desk and opened one of my photo gallery full of my baby photos with my mom, The photos that had arranged orderly by birth to 19 years of my life.

At my 5 months old my mom send put me on a baby stroller and having picnic with my grandmother. At my toddler age there's a picture that my mom was wearing a swimsuit while carrying me near the swimming pool, my mom was teaching me how to swim that time so that's why I know how to swim that time at the age of 3 , there's a few photos when I was 4 like I was wearing a schooluniform that time when my mom was carrying me because I am shy from other nursery kids. Having fun with my mother in my new doll house, There's a lot photo when I was 6 to 9 years old when I was send to a primary school, to my plays, to my year end party, and to my graduation pictures, When I was 10 to 13 years old, I am a middle schooler that time in that photo, our year end party, my mom and I photos when she taught me how dive,ski, play piano, journalism and gymnastics since at the age of 10 right before she had died at my age of 13 and lastly my graduation photo. In my age of 14 I was sent to UK with my biological father as I lived with my step theres a lot of photos taken when I went to a private school , making new friends, having fun with my half siblings and our graduation.In my photos when I am 16 years old when I was sent to police academy
and until when I was 19 that's my last photos when I graduated from the police academy and became a junior police officer .

As I stop reading I brought back my photo album, As I walking to my bed.I felt dizzy and fainted on the floor.

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