Week one day two

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Jessie POV
               As I was waking, I heard beeping and noise around me, I opened my eyes, I am wearing a hospital robe resting in a hospital bed which means I am in the hospital bed which means I was admitted to the hospital. I saw Angela talking to a doctor. As they finished talking, Angela came next to me, she kneeled next to me, and she said to me "
Look Jessie, I know that you hate me but doesn't mean that I hate you, I always be your right side. You are infected from the Corona virus, you need someone who will love you "
" Well that's your drama,  Please don't say that, Are you stealing my mother? I said to her
" No, How could I steal  Rachel from you?I am just being a good mother for you but doesn't mean I am stealing you from, I am just envy about your mother,? Angela said to me
"Envy? You are a very professional and rich. first thing your a graduate from Three degrees one thing is a nursing degree which my mother envied you, Second thing you have five PHDs, which mom envied you and third thing you are intelligent and a millionaire. What else you envied from a simple news reporter with only one degree, no PHDs or Masters and average person.
Angela answered her "You don't understand Jessie, Look I may be what you had mentioned but I envied your mother"
I shouted and said " I don't understand? for what?
Angela was speechless and left my room in tears.
I started to weep and missing my dead mother.

Carl's POV
              October 22nd of 2020,I had a new COVID patient who named Jessica Priest, she was 20 years old and daughter of my former boss Rachel Priest who is news reporter who had fired me 7 years ago.
Jessie has been infected with the new virus and admitted to the hospital. As I was peeking her crying after an argument from her step mother. I pitted both of them especially Jessie who is also my friend, who lost her mother when she was only teenager. As I was watching her outside her room,"Doctor Carl! Come quick! " Someone called me, the nurse ran next to me, said " Your son is in bad condition! "
I was shocked to hear the news about my son, I didn't say anything but to follow the nurse to my sons room. As entered to the room, My Parents in law were crying, I asked " Why are you crying"
My father in law said to me "Your son is dead."
I couldn't believe in my eyes that my son is gone
My father in law then said " My grandson is dead because of you, all because of you are reason"
I couldn't believe that I am the reason why my son is dead. I have nothing to do cry and cry for his death. Not only I am grieving but I am also stressed about my job especially in this pandemic with more and more cases of the virus infection.

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