Day three

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Carl's POV
Three days passed and I couldn't move on with my grief of losing my little angel. I have no choice to do my job. In the morning, I went to Jesse's room and saw her her eating her breakfast. As I enter her room. She was smiled and I smiled. I sat next to her and said " Oh Jessica Catherine Priest, Long time no see, You are glowing up now. "
Jessie smiled and said "oh hello Carl nice to see, Oh I recognize you are working here, I felt bad on how my mom didn't pay you properly in the passed seven years. ''
" Oh don't say sorry, I actually realized it is my fault but any way I am a doctor now " l smiled
Jessie asked " Carl May I asked for favor? "
l said yes
Jessie got her diary book from the book self and gave it to me and I read what is inside the book and I said " Why are you giving me the book? As I read your book it is great, I wish your mother is here so she can read it and publish it ." I said and Jessie started to cry
"Yeah I wish so, Carl, I have been admitted to this hospital for almost three days I was wondering if I could not survive this Covid, since we haven't yet discovered the cure right" I felt bad about her and
I couldn't held as my safety but I could comfort her by saying " It's okay my dear, don't think about death.. then she said
" I guess so but If I die, you are going to publish my book it's because...
" It's your last wish....... " I smiled then I look up my watch and it is my duty time so I gave back her and said " Jessie I have to go to . .. "

Jessie POV
I was devastated and I was scared to death, Angela came and she sat next to me, and she said
" I know that you hated me but I still love you,
You know what Jessie, I had been walking on your shoes when I was only a child, my parents died and someone had adopted me and You know what you had said earlier what about me, I will tell you now I actually envied your mom, Yes I know that I am graduate of 2 to 3 degrees with five PHDs, Very intelligent, very rich and so what ever but the only thing that I envied your mother is her mother hood that I couldn't even do my triplets and you, the mother hood that have a quality time teaching my kids how to do something else Rachel had teaches you many things like swimming, diving, skiing, dancing, playing piano, and even journalism. Rachel even teach you values and how to be a good woman , those things I had never taught to my triplets.. I admitted I am not a good mother and I guess I don't deserve to be a mother. "
Angela burst into tears and she stood up and she is about to get out and I called " Mommy"

Angela then came and said "Jessica! you need me.
I said " Yes, and I just want to I am sorry, I didn't know what had you gone through and I found out what you really need, I don't what I can do to you.
I wish I had been appreciating you for 7 yearsbut I wasted it.

Angela smiled and She came next to me," I wish I could hug you but I can't. Anyway We can still make each other love each other.

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