CHAPTER 1. Amelia

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When I called the company and said that I would be interested in the job, an old lady greeted me , she told me some things I needed to know,  I started taking notes so I wouldn't forget anything . I was a little surprised, but I had no objection to the conditions . I have to dress elegantly, high heels, poor make-up and hygiene . Oh well ....So far so easy . I have to start on Monday so I have one more day off before I go back to work . I was excited but also nervous . I called my only friend who was Lara . We talked for a long time, and I told her everything.

        It's Monday morning. I started getting ready. I'm going to wear my hair in a slicked back bun today and a smooth make-up . I wore a black shirt and black trapeze pants with long waist and a brown high heel that went with my brown long coat and my beige bag . I didn't want to overdo it, but I didn't want to look bad either .
         I was standing in front of the building . Oh shit this thing is huge !
I went in and a young lady immediately came up to me .
- Good morning, you would be Amelia , am I right?
She seems nice.
Yess I am. I'm here for the interview .
- Of course darling  I know why you're here, you won't need it, we hired you .
What ? Why ? How?  Many questions left my head, but I didn't say anything, I just smiled nervously .
- Please follow me . -  she said ,and took me to an office where we took a seat and I waited to see what would happen .
- Listen, you're probably confused, but I'll explain everything to you .
- I would really appreciate it . - What else should I have said, I mean this is not normal.Why would they hire someone without an interview to such a huge and well run company .
- Our boss is a very demanding man who is difficult to work with . This month, 20 assistants quit this job.....So we needed someone, please don't get me wrong I believe that you have the skills and that's why I want you to at least try and if you don't succeed, you can leave this place forever .
Ummm what the actually fuck is this ? What did I get myself into?
Whatever it is, I accept it because I have no other choice ...
-Well, since I'm here, I'll try and I won't go back .
-Great! I'll show you to your office.
We went through a long hallway and when we got to the end I saw two doors next to each other, some tables, a coffee maker and some cupboards .Everything was so fancy,  it was a gray and white .Huge windows from which I could see the whole city .
She opened one of the doors , we entered and it was my office . It's pretty .
- After 10 minutes, go to the other office, meet your boss there and ask him if you  can help him something.
- Okay , thank you .
She smiled and left . I looked at the time to be precise, I was already wondering who this man was that everyone was running away from him.
        Okay, it's time to go . I knocked on the door, then I heard a voice say, come in, and I went inside .
There sat the most muscular ,handsome ,perfect man I have ever saw ,  wearing a black suit that looked very expensive . He didn't look up for a single moment so I was very nervous .
- Good morning sir, I am Amelia your new assis.......
- I don't need you now, I'll call you later if I need something .
- All right sir.
Now I understand everything !!
Well, I didn't expect that....I go back to my office and look for something to occupy myself with .
           I've been sitting for three hours and he still hasn't called yet ....Maybe I should go in there and ask agian....No It's not inappropriate . I went out and made myself a coffee . I started looking at the city through the big windows when I heard a cough behind me . I looked back and it was the boss, I quickly pulled myself out and turned to him .
- You're enjoying the view, aren't you?
- Umm of course it's beautiful....I was so nervous around him that I almost forgot to speak . And by the way how tf could someone be so tall !??
- How many weeks do you think you will last here? Or rather how many days?
His every word was cold and not a single facial muscle moved of his. I didn't know what to say, but I can't be weak .
- As much as I can , and as much as you need me sir .
- Hmm.....Well, I don't need you, so what are you going to do now? Why would I need
That was insulting . But he can't fool me with this speech .
- Sir, I am here to help you. It is my duty , I have the skills for this job and I'm persistent, so I'd be happy if I could help you. 
It was the worst thing I've ever said in my entire life, but I need this job .
- You can go home, I don't need you today, you start tomorrow at 6 am .
This little .......

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