CHAPTER 2. Amelia

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       I'm already standing in front of the building and I'm thinking about when I can screw it up ....Even though it's my second day working here . This man is an iceberg . He has no emotions .
He's damn hot tho ...
      As I entered the building and rushed to the elevator, a guy was holding the elevator so I could get in . Maybe I should make friends so it won't be so bad here .
- Thank you ! - I said and smiled at him . He just smiled back .I didn't expect much .....
- You are the new assistant, am I right?- He seems kinda nice.
- Yes I am , I'm Amelia.
- I'm Josh, nice to meet you!- we shook hands and smiled at each other .
-It's great to finally have someone to talk to.- I said with a nervous smile.
- Let's have lunch together, the boss will surely work you to death .
I wasn't sure what to say to that, but I accepted the invitation .Finally a friend .
- Sounds good .
- Nice , 12 am. on the first floor?
-Alright, I'll see you there .- The elevator opened, he got out and I went to the top floor where the devil himself was .I'm very nervous, I can't even talk around him . I mean, it's obvious because he's so hot and tall and handsome ....Why do these things come to my mind?..
     I went into my office, put my bag and my jacket down and went over to his office . I knocked .
- Come in .ahh his voice...
- Good morning sir,  is there something I can help you with ?
- I have three meetings today, I would like you to arrange them .When you're done with that, go to my favorite restaurant and bring me food. At 12am you will come to another meeting with me where you have to take notes .
My goodness ....I mean, that's what I wanted, wasn't it?
- Alright sir , Is there anything else I need to sort out?
He looked at me and a small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth ,I tried not to notice . He stood up and came closer to me .
I think I'm going to pass out .
-No, that's all for now .You can leave.
I nodded and left his office .
I arranged the meetings . It took 2 hours. Now I have to go get him food . Wait,....... he didn't tell me where the restaurant was and what kind of food I should bring him. Oh no, what am I going to do now? Shall I go in and ask?
It's the only thing I can do.
I knocked . I'm very nervous ..
- Come in.
- Sorry to bother you sir , But you didn't mention the address of the restaur......
- Amelia tell me , are you blind? -This is the first time he called me by my name .
- What do you mean sir..... ?
- The restaurant is next to our company . What are you looking at with those beautiful eyes of yours that you didn't notice ? - I'm sorry what did he just said ??? Did I hear it right?
- Umm... alright sir, I will bring your food soon .- I have to pretend I didn't hear what he just said, he must have been joking . I can't overthink everything .
           I went into the restaurant and asked for what Mr. Anthony Siegel used to ask for . After 10 minutes the food was done and I was heading back to the restaurant when I noticed  I still had time until 12 .
Oh wait, .....the meeting is at 12 and I should meet Josh then. Ahh, I have to cancel, I feel soo bad ...
I entered the elevator and went upstairs, when I got out Josh was standing there .
- Hiii Amelia , Is lunch still available , right ?
- Hii Josh , The thing is ........
I couldn't finish the sentence because a deep male voice spoke from behind me .
- Amelia cannot attend the lunch Josh ..... - he looked at me deeply and then back at Josh .
-.... because she will be with me . Maybe another time when she won't be so busy with me .
Umm ....woww . I got goose bumps .
-That's what I wanted to say Josh, I hope it's okay with you .
-Of course that's fine with me  . He smiled and left. I looked at my boss and didn't know what to say .
-You brought my food . I thought you would fall and not be able to do it, but you impressed me . Good job .
I don't know if this was meant to be a bad joke, but he really doesn't believe in my skills, which really annoys me .
- Sir, you could have more faith  in the abilities of your workers, this was really not a difficult task ....
He looked at me and sighed.
- The meeting starts in 10 minutes, don't be late.
Well, I really could have kept that to myself ....
He came out of the office and nodded for me to follow him .We got into the elevator together .
He seems even bigger when I'm so close to him ...My thoughts were only on him . He is every woman's dream, I wonder if he has a girlfriend or a wife.
-Amelia ! ....- I looked up and he was looking at me - ....I hope you won't be buried in your thoughts like this at the meeting and will be able to pay attention  .
- Of course sir ! - Shit, I didn't mean to immerse myself so much in him .
        The meeting has been going on for 1 hour, my hands are already hurting from writing so much.
He's looking at me ....Why is he looking at me?
He slowly took a look at me up and down , I noticed that he licked the corner of his lips . Damnn to be kissed by those lips ...
Amelia! - he called me with a small smile on the corner of his mouth .
- Yes sir ? - I answered, but I was still under the influence of the few seconds that had just happened .
- You're paying attention, aren't you?- he knows exactly what he's doing.
- Of course, sir, you have my full attention .- It's not like that, I mean it's like that, but I'm not exactly paying attention to what he's saying ...
-Good, keep it that way .
         The meeting has been going on for 3 hours and I have a storm in my mind right now . I don't want to think about him, I don't want all my thoughts to revolve around him .
- Thank you all for coming, I hope everything is clear, we'll see you next time . - Oh looks like it's over now .I smiled at them and when everyone left the room I started towards the door ....
- Where do you think you're going? - he asked as he walked towards me
- Back to my office !? ....- I didn't want to be alone in a room with him .
- Did you hear me say you can leave?
I don't think so.... Sit back down!- Well... I obeyed him,  he is my boss after all..
-Tell me, Amelia, ....what keeps you from being able to focus on your work?- You ! Now what can I tell him, he noticed everything !
-Nothing sir, I was paying attention and taking notes the whole time .....
He gently bit his lips and sat down on the chair next to me and arranged his legs and placed his hands on his thighs ... Ohh. myy......
- Amelia, do you have a boyfriend?-Why is he asking me this?
- No , I don't .- I lowered my gaze and didn't want to look up because I didn't understand what he was trying to say .
- All your attention should be on work, I don't want to see you not paying attention again . Do you understand me ?- I swallowed before answering  .
- Yes sir !
             I did some paper work in my office and came home .I couldn't wait to take a shower and call Lara.

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