Chapter two

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Louis' POV:

When I look up, I see three people being brought in by the guards, escorted to where my family and I are standing. I recognize them immediately, although it's been years since I last saw them. The king of Callia, King Johnathan, has his arm around his wife, Queen Caroline, and then in front of them is their daughter, Princess Maybelline Styles. My mother greets them , making sure they had safe travels and all that nonsense. I can't help but keep my eyes peeled for the last straggler, the last Styles family member that used to get on my everlasting nerve.

As if someone was reading my mind, in comes Prince Harry Styles. He stumbles his way to his family, though he's clearly sober, most likely just a klutz. He gives a kind smile to everyone in my family, then his eyes meet mine. His face fell into an unreadable expression, something I wasn't expecting. I don't think he expected it either. My mother nudges me forward towards the opposite group, directly to the unsuspecting boy.

He's changed a lot since I saw him last. His hair is more grown out, curlier. His complexion is a little more tan, his eyes a bold shade of emerald green. He's taller. A lot taller. I could've sworn he was wearing lifts or something in his shoes. Overall he's gotten a lot more attractive (get your head out of the gutter), if only he wasn't a class A annoyance.

His face perks up a little, clearly an act, as he sticks out his hand for me to shake. I let out a chuckle, low enough for only the two of us to hear. He draws his hand back in, the look of annoyance on his face. Luckily neither of our families noticed as our sisters caught up, our mothers talked about each other's dresses, and our father's talked in such a condescending way to each other.

They don't like each other at all. I feel like that's putting it too nicely. They hate each other. Every night this week at dinner Father had gone on and on about how this whole thing isn't necessary, and how it could all be done over the phone. I don't get along with the man, but I was right there with him, fighting on his side. It is very unnecessary. But of course the wife always wins, because before we knew it she was making arrangements for our guests.

Harry goes to say something as the other's talk, but I don't let him.

"Don't even try, Styles." I tell him, waving him off as we are led to the dining hall where we are scheduled to have the welcoming feast. I don't look back to see if his expression changed, but to be honest I don't really care if it did.

He stays quiet, following closely behind, a little too closely, as we all enter the dining hall. I have to say, it's one of my favorite rooms in the castle. Not because it's where we eat, but because of how beautiful it is. It's decorated with flowers, candles, chandeliers, the whole package. It's almost like in the movies, but a million times better.

We all take a seat at the oak table, something that's been here for generations. The cutlery is placed for us, the plates shining and reflecting light from the candles. My father sits at one end of the table, Harry's father on the other. Their wives sit next to them on the long end, and the daughters of each family sit across from their mothers. It's almost like there was a seating chart made for each family.

I sit in one of the open seats on the side my sisters are sitting on, taking my place next to Faith. As I set my napkin in my lap, Faith elbows me in my side, gaining my attention.

"What's your deal?" I ask, disgruntled. She doesn't say anything, she just points to the other end of the table where the greatest annoyance in the history of annoyances is sitting. Just a few empty seats down on the other side of the table I catch him glaring over at my family's direction, mainly at me.

Guess me shutting him up earlier really pissed him off.


Once my eyes meet his, he looks away, like he was caught in the act. I roll my eyes as my Father stands, a glass of champagne in his hand. He better not make a sappy toast. I'd rather live in the stables than hear him talk about how proud he is of this meeting, and how happy he is that it is happening.

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