Chapter ten

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Louis' POV:

"I don't get it, we have so many things to be focusing on right now, a stupid ball seems like it should be the last of them." I mumble, fixing my tie.

"Mind your tongue, son. Besides, Queen Caroline and I have been planning this for a while. We thought of it as a way to bring the two sides together without any political nonsense." she says, smoothing the fabric of my suit over my shoulders. "You look handsome, Louis."

"Thanks, Mum. Hopefully tonight won't go too horribly." I turn to look at her, but her eyes go straight to my crooked tie. She chuckles as she fixes my mistake.

"Maybe you will even get another handsome young lad to notice you..." she trails off, noticing the look on my face. I shake my head.

"Unlikely." is all I mutter before running my fingers through my hair. The objective of tonight is to simply get through it. Everything else would just be an unwelcome surprise.

"Alright then, I'm going to go collect the girls. You should see them, they are simply beautiful!" she clasps her hands together in admiration. She gives me a quiet nod before making her way out of my room.

I take a deep breath and button my suit, my fingers slightly shaking. I shouldn't be nervous, I've been to hundreds of these things, but something about them always puts me on edge. It could be the judgmental blokes with monocles, or the flat champagne, or the pretentious music. Or it could be how everyone expects you to show up with someone, like it's a crime to show up alone.

Well I guess you should throw me in jail because I've always attended these by myself. Of course there are the few that I've "mingled" with throughout the night, but other than that, I should be considered a convict.

Before long it was time to head down to the ballroom. We don't use this room often, it mainly just collects cobwebs, but it's a sight for sore eyes when it's at it's best. The glass chandelier hangs over the marble flooring, tables and chairs placed on the sides of the room, a small orchestra in the front of the room, and paintings held high on the walls of events no one remembers, but I guess they are pretty to look at.

Walking into the ballroom I immediately noticed someone else walking along the far side, wobbling with some trays in his hands. I let out a laugh to myself before hurrying along to his side, offering a helping hand.

Harry hands me a tray, all while catching his balance, then gives me a thankful nod as we place them on a cart near the back wall. He's dressed in a suit similar to mine, but with a floral print along the bottoms of the sleeves. His hair is done neatly, and honestly, he smells great. He seems even taller, but that could just be the confidence radiating off of him.

Best of all, he's completely sober.

His eyes are bright green, and for once I can tell he is actually himself, not the Harry he tends to be when he gets high or drunk. It's a nice change of pace but I have to remind myself that something like this might not last forever. Nothing can ever be good or normal for too long, things will always get worse, but then again, things can always get better.

I find myself staring for a beat too long before his gaze drops down to mine, the corners of his mouth tilting upwards slightly, like he's trying to hold back a smile. I feel like a carnival is happening in my stomach, with flipping trapeze artists and animals trying to break out of their cages. It's only his stare, his incredibly intoxicating eyes that could do that to someone, and for once in my life time I feel lucky that the someone in question is me, although that just terrifies me a whole lot more.

"Are you okay?" he asks, ripping me away from the swell of thoughts in my head.

"Yeah, yeah, great. Just thinking." I tell him, praying that the look on my face doesn't give anything away.

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