Chapter eight

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Louis' POV:

The next week goes by as such: I don't talk to Harry, Harry doesn't talk to me, nothing gets done in our countless meetings, and everything feels like it's going to explode at any given second.

All things considered, it's the average week.

But that doesn't stop my mind from flipping out every time I pass him in the hallway, every time I hear his voice in the dining hall, every time I hear his name. It's like every trace of him causes my mind to replay what he told me a week ago, making my heart stop for two milliseconds.

We are not friends.

So for the past week I respected his wishes, no matter how much turmoil it caused me, because that's what a good person would do, right? They would just wait in the shadows, wait for the day they could step into the light and ask questions that don't matter, talk about anything and everything under the sun, just to get to know the person of their deepest intrigues, just to understand them.

But I'm tired of waiting.

I'm tired of being treated like a person he's never met. I'm tired of pretending I don't see him staring at me from across the room. I'm tired of following his stupid rules. We could be friends again. It's something I've thought about for a long time, but was always nervous because he's the worst human being on the planet. But we could try. Even if it all blows up in our faces, it could be worth it to not be at each other's throats all the time. Might be good for the political strains we're under as well, although I have to admit those have been the least of my concerns since Father is set on handling it himself.

We haven't heard what The Five thought about the merge. They probably hated it, which sucks because Collin (found out his name on Wednesday with extensive research because well, I felt bad) had a great idea. This merger could help a lot of people, but the two Kings in question are too stubborn to do anything about it. They care more about their pride rather than the benefit of our two countries.

I can tell Harry's getting frustrated. He hates this just as much, if not more, than I do. He has a tell. When he gets mad or irritated, his shoulders are tense, his jaw is set firm, and his eyes are deadly. I've been on the receiving end of that look too many times to know that soon he's going to lose it if something isn't done about the stupidity of our Fathers. And normally that would be all well and entertaining, but there's this little feeling in my chest that doesn't actually want to see Harry upset. So, I guess it's time for Plan B.

Talk to Harry.

I know what you're thinking. It seems like a silly thing to worry over, but with as stressed as he is, it's hard to tell how this could go. I have to carefully wade into the water before I just jump in, because I don't know what's resting at the bottom. Could be sharp shells or even a shark for all I know.

So after dinner I'll talk to Harry. I just have to get through a meal where everyone is literally out to get me, and then I'll talk to the guy I hate the most, and then all will be super and fantastic and brilliant and epic.


I should've known that dinner wouldn't have been as easy as I thought it would be. I thought that the hazing and the laughing would've ended in the last few days since I was starting to prove useful in meetings (much to my Father's annoyance) but I guess not. It's much, much worse.

I'm avoided by everyone in my Father's inner circle at dinner, meaning I can't get one word out before someone talks over me, the most random stuff spilling out of their mouths. At one point a man in his thirties started talking about his daughter (he doesn't have any children) just to stop me from talking about the merge. They are avoiding it, and I want to know why.

Blinded by love  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن