Fucking Vought

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Its around 1981, the first year that Payback had been Americas favourite supe group, they never really paid attention to rules. Especially not you. You could give less of a shit. You were the second in command practically Soldier Boy's right hand man. Little did you know that in three years the team you thought was loyal would throw both you and Soldier Boy under the bus. If you knew what you did now you could've seen it coming. 

Times were easy when everyone fucking listened. Other times most missions would only be okay because yourself and Soldier Boy were picking up they're messes. It was sad how unprofessional they were and it infuriated you. You were the "Great Gladiator" why were you pulling yourself so low as to scrabble with this group? Oh, right. For Ben. You were probably the only person on earth he actually tolerated. But he didn't look at you the same way that he looked at Crimson, oh no. And you knew what she really thought about him. From what he has told you he's crazy about her. Her on the other hand can't wait until she can get out of his grasp. It broke your heart not telling him but then again he needed to know. 

"Y/n!" Soldier Boy called down the hall, "What?" you responded. He stopped about a foot away from you. By this time it was late 1981, December. "We got another one." When he said another one you knew what he meant, there was another supe terrorist. Which was not good, most of these terrorists were strong, not as strong as you or Soldier Boy but strong enough to wipe out your whole team. "Alright let's go." The way over to the terrorists last hit was rough you practically lost your voice getting into a screaming match with Crimson Countess and Mindstorm about how they thought we were too brutal. "Oh you cunt! You can't say shit! Just last week you fucking melted a guys brain into black goop it was dripping out of his fucking ears!!" You screamed. "Well at least that was me using some self control!!" Crimson shouted back. You eyes glared and flared into an icy green colour. She really had no room to talk. Truth was all of Payback was brutal. Yes yourself and Soldier Boy would be top 2 for the team but still at this point there was no arguing about it. 

You all finally dropped in on the spot and within minutes you found the perp. You were fast, you were able to grab him and Mindstorm was able to turn him limp while Soldier Boy went and bashed his head in with his shield as you dropped the terrorist to the floor. The team was horrified, but when the time came you and Soldier Boy were smirking... practically laughing. 

Summer 1982, movies were produced, music videos released, press conferences, other Vought shit. By this time Ben was about 63 but didn't look a day over 40. Same with you, you were practically 94 but you looked like you were in your late 30s. Then again you and Ben should not be alive with how much V was pushed into your system. 

There was one night where you and Ben decided to go and get drinks without the team. Thats when Ben brought up an absurd topic. Or well it was absurd when you heard it. If you had just answered him the way you should've... "Y/n I think that they are making plans against us." You had a face of shock, "What? Who?" "Fucking Vought and Payback and everyone fucking else. They are not our biggest fans you know that right." "Ben cmon." "Don't cmon me." You sighed "No I'm just saying that I get they don't particularly like us but cmon we're Vought biggest production, they're making too much bank off of us to sell us out, plus what the hell is gonna kill us? Fucking nothing." Ben took a drink of his bourbon and sighed, "Yeah well, whatever maybe it was stupid. Fuck it. Noir is gonna be pissed at me anyway." Thats when you looked at him. "About what? The fuck does he think he's gonna do? Stand up to you? I wouldn't worry about it." "Yeah. No I'm not but I took his spot in a role I don't really give a shit he can't fucking act whatsoever so I'm not gonna be a fucking pussy about it." "Exactly." When it was just you and Ben he was a little softer than he was with the team. But after a couple of drinks you said something you weren't supposed to, he started talking about Crimson, and how much he really loves her. You just had to open your mouth didn't you. "You know she doesn't love you as much as you think she does." Oh the anger that fell on his face was horrifying. "I'm not saying that just to fucking say it but cmon you can feel it can't you?" "Shut up." You hit a nerve but you didn't stop, your mind was flooded with alcohol and coke, "Ben." "I said SHUT UP!" He yelled at you and in all honesty you deserved it. 

The next day you believe he was taking out that pent up rage on Noir. You were just waking up the hangover pounding your head. There was yelling downstairs and then you heard fighting, you rushed downstairs, seeing Ben filled with rage taking it out on Noir pounding into his face blood rushing down his head and everyone was yelling. But he wasn't budging. Something came over you and you stepped between Ben and Noir. You grabbed his fist and told Noir to get out of the room. "BEN! HEY! CALM DOWN." He locked eyes with you, that anger from last night still in his eyes, but there was also hurt in them. You could understand why he was pissed at you he had every reason to be. 

1983, September, You and Ben didn't talk much unless it was about a mission or some Vought elective thing. That helped with your training you had something to actually focus on to piss you off, and it wasn't Ben, you were pissed at yourself for what you said. You never meant those words to falter from your lips. You were getting stronger but also ruthless and brutal. 

1984, February, you were scheduled for a live performance, singing the National Anthem. You hated that. You didn't want to sing but people heard it once and now thats all they want to hear. When things like this came up  you were surrounded by security everywhere you stepped even though they knew you would be able to protect yourself. 

The night finally came and it was just one song. You stepped on stage and it was all cameras and fans screaming for you. They were more excited for that than they were the actual football game. Redskins vs. Dolphins. You started and ended strong, a lot of emotion came out when you were singing and it was painful to watch in the stands as you saw Crimson and Ben get up and leave as soon as you started singing. You finished and left the game, you were not a football type of person. You just went back to Vought tower and went to sleep. 

1984, August. You and Payback were in Nicaragua supposed to be a simple mission for backup and well maybe you and Ben lost your tempers Ben a little more than you. Noir got in his way, you just watched as Noirs head was slammed into a on fire jeep, his mask melting off then his skin, his eyeball poking out of its socket and blood pouring out, his skull was cracked and part of his brain poured out and laid on the jeeps hood. You watched in slight horror but before you knew it a ask was pulled over your nose and mouth and you freaked out, grabbing at it trying to pull it off but before you could you hit the ground. And in your burry vision you could see Ben get hit with the same thing and he dropped. Next thing you remember you were right next to Ben in a helicopter lift. All you could hear Crimson screaming to Mallory was "They killed them!!" Her acting was horrible she must've been planning this for months. "They killed Gladiator and Soldier Boy!!" 

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