Finding Soldier Boy

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You tried your best to stay calm on the van you all got into when you got to Russia. When you all got the information on what you are going to have to do to find the place where they took soldier boy. You were tense and nervous, you kept your emotions in check though. God you needed a drink. As you rode around the city, there was propaganda everywhere, spray paintings of Homelander murdering millions of people. You chuckled, they were amazing despite what the meaning of it was, it took you back to the days when you would see Payback propaganda during D-day. You would be driving to the next location with Soldier Boy and everywhere you looked there was similar spray paintings and posters of how murderous and brutal you and Soldier Boy were, you both always laughed at them. 

When you got to the safe house and were settled Hughie was watching the TV and even though he didnt understand Russian, he still could depict what was going on. The whole "Homelight" thing had taken the internet by storm and there was no denying that all of Russia was laughing at Hughie. You had seen this type of thing before, with Crimson and Soldier Boy, the media worldwide had made you seem as though you were jealous and you couldn't handle the pressure. You walked over to Hughie and rubbed his right shoulder. "Don't sweat it, they dont know the real truth their just taking what Vought shoved down their throats and expanding it." You then walked over to the other room as Hughie got up and turned the TV off, you had forgotten that people couldn't take the normal pressure that you could. 

Butcher then walked into the room speaking and catching everyones attention, especially yours because this was what you had spent the last ten years doing so why give up now? "Good news. Nina's had a word with her Kremlin piss boys, and she's located the lab." Hughie then spoke up, "Thats great-" You cut him off with almost a growl in your voice, you were leaning agains one of the walls, arms crossed, and a slightly irritated look on your face. "Where is it." Butcher looked Hughies way and then yours. "Before she tells us that, we just gotta do a little job for her. Ain't nothin. Just some local oligarch who got her in the bad books." Frenchie then stood putting his hands in the air defensively, you really could give less of a shit what problems Frenchie had with Little Nina, the bitch was helping and you could care less who was collateral and who wasn't. "Non. I don't do this anymore. Definitely not for Nina." Butcher smirked, he had been a real asshole lately, he had practically told the kid, that he promised his wife he would protect, to fuck off. Now, you think he was just playing the part. 

 "Well, thats a good job, then, innit? Cause' you're not the one doing it. She is." He turned and pointed to Kimiko who was sitting in a chair with her head rested against her right fist. She looked up and her eyes looked at Butcher and then you, why? You have no clue but then she looked back to Butcher. She cocked her head away from her first and Butcher continued, trying to be the 'leader' and all. She started to stand up and Butcher walked closer, still wearing that smug ass smirk. "Sorry, love, victim of your own success." Hughie and MM looked at Butcher like they were disappointed, hell you would be too if you gave a shit. But the reality was, you did care, Kimiko had already been through so much with the Shining Light Liberation Army that to just keep using her because she was the only, besides you, supe was just cruel. Butcher continued, "Now, Nina's got you in. You'll be the wankers pro girl for the night." Frenchie looked full of rage and worry, him and Kimiko had a sweet little thing going on, you thought it was cute but then again you didn't like Frenchie all that much. "You just get in there, give the cunt the good noose," He ran his finger across his neck signalling to kill the bastard, "and get the fuck out. Easy-peasy." 

Frenchie came up on Butchers right side, "I'm begging you, no." Butcher turned to fully face him. "Look, Frenchie, it was this or Cherie's head." You took a deep breath and rolled your eyes, you didn't know what the fuck was happening with Frenchie, he loves Kimiko, but he also fucked Cherie for years? He let Kimiko become a war weapon to keep his fuck life safe? But he hadn't seen Cherie in years since him and butcher started working together again? The whole situation just didn't make any fucking since. Butcher then turned to the rest of you and back to Frenchie, "Fucking hell. No good deed." Kimiko then had anger cross her face, you smirked as she patted Butcher on his chest which made him turn to look at her, she held up her phone which she had typed on it 'I'm not your fucking gun.' she was glaring at Butcher, which honestly you thought she had a right too, you knew what it was like to be used for your powers and then get told by everyone you thought you could trust that you were some freak accident. 

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