Glorious Five Year Plan

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"You mean to fucking tell me, that you fucking worked with the same monster that killed my whole goddamn family?" MM exclaimed to you as you started to realize that maybe you should've just kept that ideal to yourself. "It's not what you think." Kimiko signed something your way but you had not a damn clue what she was even talking about. Frenchie saw your confusion and slight distaste for this subject but the only thing he made clear was what Kimiko had told you. "She says uh, Why would you not tell us such a thing?" He slightly exclaims with a slight undertone of fear, they just found out you worked with Soldier Boy, how were they supposed to know what you were capable of? 

"Alright alright you all gonna let me fucking explain or you gonna keep shoving a fucking missal up my ass? Christ a mighty." Butcher hadn't said a thing. You were on their team, you had helped them with so much shit. This would have been a thing you should've made clear when you walked through the door. Hughie had only just found out that Victoria Newman was actually 'The Head Popper' so this whole situation felt like a double whammy for the kid, but now he was back and someone that he, and everyone trusted was now piping up and saying that she was Gladiator. 

MM took a step way to close to you and got up in your face nearly touching noses. He swayed back and forth a little. You weren't scared. You knew better than that. "MM. Look, what happened with your family was completely our fault.." He cocked his head to the side and then upward when he realized what you said. "You were there too? You fucking monster." You didn't mind the rude remarks, barely even bothered you after everything that you've been through. "Legend okayed the cover up. You know that. He only okayed it because your family and what happened to them was collateral damage." Your voice changed, you were more rugged and your eyes pierced. "Collateral damage? Is that all they fucking are to you?" "Thats all they can be to me." MM was ready to swing but Butcher stepped between the both of you. "Oi, you know what she's capable of, step off and let's just chat about this I don't need my whole fucking crew going out like Buddy fucking Holly." MM backed off, Hughie stood far off to the left, Kimiko and Frenchie sitting at the desk in the old slightly worn down wear house. You sat down when butcher got out of your way. 

"Look you wanna know what happened to Soldier Boy and I? I don't really know. What I do know is that our fucking team sent us to the Reds and marketed that we were dead so Payback would die out and become 'The 7'. Me and Soldier Boy were close, real close. We were team leaders, I was second in command and he was first, I never bothered to be anything closer because it wouldn't matter. He was too wrapped up in Crimson to notice the bullshit she was pulling him around for. I never took the time to try to tell him though. 1984 was when we were taken. Both of us sent to the same Russian Base. They studied us for years trying to figure out what could get under our skin and make us die. They never came up with anything. Crimson told the world that 'Americas Heroes Were gone for good' made us seem like we were horrible people. We really weren't we just didn't follow rules. Sure we had a couple mishaps, but that was in the early 60's the cover up would be the easiest part to control. " You stopped and took a breath. "We were both stronger than Homelander, stronger than Liberty. No one could ever recreate something that powerful. I don't use my powers as much anymore. They aren't needed as much. Especially now the whole world thinks we're dead." The team was surprised at this revelation they were slowly coming to terms with. They didn't know what to think. "So yeah I'll help you find Soldier Boy, as long as you fucking promise you don't betray him or me. If I find out you did? You will all be able to meet your precious loved ones in hell." You got up storming out of the room onto the balcony, you hated talking about Ben, with how much he meant to you, it was too much. 

"Holy shit.." Hughie said blankly as he followed you on the way out, "That was a lot..." Butcher looked like he was thinking deeply. You could give less of a shit you had your weed and you were content for now. Frenchie looked over at Butcher, "Well what the hell are we supposed to do with that huh?" "We take it and we find a way to get Soldier Boy." Butcher piped up. "And when we do, we get the two fuckers to see each other again and then we have a way to kill homelander. For good." 

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