before you begin

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Hello! Just in case you haven't read the description, I wanted to mention that this idea came to me while reading Magnus Chase, and I thought it would be a good read. I'll mostly update the story on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, or any days off I have, depending on my school schedule and other commitments. Also, none of this will include spice because I'm not a big fan of it, and I'm making the reader underage because I prefer fluff and angst rather than smut and lemon.

Here are some warnings: child abuse, mentions of child abuse, death, trauma, swearing, attempted murder. Disabled y/n, there might be offensive comments, and Norse monsters will be added (though they won't appear until halfway through the race to the edge).

How to train your dragon + Disabled Norse demi-god readerWhere stories live. Discover now