what to call you

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(I'd like to apologize for not posting, I have been on writing block, school got in the way and I was sick as well)

(a/n your dragons gender is what ever you want, same thing with its colors, this will be a shorter chapter, and Im sorry for not posting in a while)
Dr/n= dragons name

Y/Ns pov

I started heading towards the forest hoping that the dragon was still there. But I had no luck, I tried looking in the same spot as yesterday but I still didn't see the dragon.

"Stormcutter... dragon ....thing....!" I called hesitantly before it randomly jumped down from a tree

"Finally found you, you stupid owl lizard!" I said before being pounced on

I looked up to see the stormcutter

"Ah! Ow! Okay okay I'm sorry for calling you that get off me!" I yelled at the dragon
Who then let me go


"Okay uhh dragon, stay still for a second" I said only for the dragon to give me a curious look

"Okay yeah your right you need a name..." I said while trying to think of a good one

"Okay how about... Owl lizard" I asked as a joke, the dragon growled at me and looked like they were about to pounce

"Okay okay, I was just joking don't get so worked up... Hmm, how about Dr/n?" I asked, the dragons pupils started expanding and their tail swayed back and fourth.

"Alright, Dr/n it is then!" I said happily

"Now stay still so I can draw you"

Dr/n seemed to understand, I think, cuz they just stared at me

I sat down and got my note book out to start drawing, I sketched dr/n out.

After a couple of minutes I finished.
"Okay you can move now" I said before DR/N came up to me and lowered themselves wanting me to get on their back.

"Uhhh... Okay?" I said before i started climbing on DR/N's back, before I even got a good grip DR/N blasted into the air.

"Ah! DR/N!" I yelped

I shut my eyes tight and hugged the back of DR/N's neck to hold on better.

Then DR/N slowed down into a nice semi glide, i slightly opened my eyes and saw that we were above the clouds, it was very pretty to see, sunlight lingered on the clouds as the sun went down.

"Woah...." I muttered

"This is amazing!" I shouted

DR/N started gliding down somewhere near berk. They landed and lowered to let me down.

I got off but hugged them before I left
"BYE DR/N, SEE YOU TOMORROW MAYBE!"  I yelled  before heading home
I finally made it home, and I saw my older siblings about to go somewhere

"Hi ruffnut, hi tuffnut, where are you going?" I asked

"Oh, hey n/n, we're headed to the great hall to look back on our training today, and look over what we did wrong" ruffnut responded

"Even though we didn't do anything wrong, anyways... Wanna come?" Tuffnut asked

"Uhm... Sure" I said

We started walking to the great hall, while walking there ruff asked me a question

"Hey why are you going to the forest every afternoon?"

"Oh uhh, I'm just bored and the forest is more fun then most people, also I don't want to slow you guys down with my legs failing on me" *I muttered,hoping my siblings fell for that, I mean, it's only a half lie, I prefer the forests over people, they don't want me around so why should I want to be around them*

How to train your dragon + Disabled Norse demi-god readerWhere stories live. Discover now