we meet again

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- *Sc/c* = scale colors
- *E/c* = eye color

**Y/n's POV**

It has been 3 years since I came to Berk, and I am now 10 years old.

It was in the middle of the night, and I was trying to sleep, but then I started hearing explosions. I got up frantically, took some medicine, and grabbed my dagger. I ran out of the house, where my older siblings had also just emerged.

I saw a raid had started. Ruffnut handed me a bucket, and the three of us ran to where Fishlegs, Astrid, and Snotlout were, putting out fires the dragons made.

While doing so, I saw Hiccup run past us. He was running with a catapult thing he built. I didn't think much of it though; I had to focus on putting the fires out.

The raid went on for a few hours until I heard a bunch of crashing and dragons roaring. I looked to where I heard the noise; I saw one of the wooden poles crash down, a cage containing dragons breaking and setting dragons free, dragons flying away with cattle, and then I saw Hiccup. I rolled my eyes and left, knowing what most likely happened. I wasn't really surprised at what happened and that it was Hiccup's fault. I mean, I felt bad for him and didn't think it was right he was constantly being bullied. His dad was quite overprotective but also sees Hiccup as a disappointment at the same time because he keeps screwing up in the process of trying to impress his dad.

I decided to go to the forest surrounding Berk because it's the only quiet place other than Gothi's place.

I was walking for a while until I had to sit down because my legs started to fail me again, and I left my cane at home.

I groaned in annoyance. "Damn it, I should have brought it with me!" I yelled in frustration at myself.

Out of nowhere, I heard some rustling behind some bushes and trees. I reached for the dagger in my pocket.

"Who's there! Show yourself!" I shouted, holding my dagger out in front of me.

I kept hearing the rustling until finally, something big jumped out. It was a Stormcutter.

"Ah! Shit!" I yelped in fear. I couldn't run away. I scooted back up to the tree behind me as the dragon got closer to me.

I glanced at the dragon, which seemed to be curiously staring at me.

"Wait a minute..." I muttered as I got a good look at the dragon. It looked so familiar. It looked exactly like the dragon that brought me to Berk 3 years ago. It had the same *Sc/c* and *E/c*. It was also the same breed.

"You're the dragon that saved me a few years back, aren't you?" I said as I struggled to get closer.

I felt my legs failing me again, but before I fell, the Stormcutter lowered its head to the ground to catch me.

"Uhh thanks..." I murmured as the dragon gently sat me down on the ground.

"Why are you even here... I'm sure you've seen what the people here do to dragons. In fact, you're lucky I'm not gutting you right now! Especially since you're a rarer type of dragon and in the books and from what I've been told a stronger and dangerous one too," I said a little too proudly. I heard the dragon let out a noise that sounded like laughing and noises that probably meant "you gutting me?" in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey, don't laugh! I'm serious!" I shouted at the dragon, which just made the dragon roll their eyes.

"Whatever, dude," I said in annoyance. "Sooo why are you here?" I asked.

The dragon just looked at me.

"Have you been watching me or something?"

They just kept looking at me, their pupils expanded slightly, and their tail started swaying side to side.

"I- you know what, you're actually cool and not attacking anyone, I hope, so I guess you're fine, just no letting anyone else see you, got it!" I said sternly. I didn't know why, but I felt sympathy for this beast.

The Stormcutter made a noise that I hoped was at least a yes.

I looked up and saw it was already noon. "Well, I have to go, my mom and siblings are probably looking for me," I muttered, thinking I was going to have to crawl or something back to the house. I then felt talons grab me by the shoulders, and I was carried into the air.

"Wah!? Ahh! What the! Hey, put me down!" I yelled at the dragon while shutting my eyes tight and grabbing for dear life on one of the dragon's legs.

I slightly opened my eyes; the Stormcutter was heading towards my house.

"Wait, stop! Someone might see you! Hey! Can you hear me! Turn around!" I yelled at the dragon, not wanting them to get hurt.

But it just went closer and lower down to Berk, luckily no one was around, and I was gently placed right in front of my house.

"Oh...thanks," I said to the dragon, slightly shaken up from flying in the air.

"Y/n honey, is that you?" my mother yelled. I heard her heading to the front door.

"Go! Shoo before she sees you!" I shouted. Luckily, the Stormcutter listened and left right before my mom opened the door.

"Oh good, and thank the gods, I got so worried. Where were you? Are you alright?" My mom asked in a concerned tone as she bent down to my level.

"I'm fine, Mom. I went for a walk this morning after the raid in the woods, and my legs failed me, and...uhh, some- [insert lie because I want to see your excuse's]," I said.

She gave me a look that was a "really? You think you can lie to your mother" look, but then she just brushed it off, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

"Okay, whatever you say, child," she said before dragging me inside and into my room, where my mother had given me some medicine. "Tomorrow your siblings are going to be attending dragon training, and I am going off to help the chief search for the nest. I want you to watch your siblings and the other kids in the classes so that you have some basics on what to do once you're old enough to get into dragon training," she stated.

I tensed up. "Wait, I thought you weren't going to let me join those classes because of my physical condition, and also almost everyone agreed to that term," I said nervously.

"Ah well, minds can change. Despite you not being able to walk correctly without a cane and or medicine, you are pretty quick with your thinking, and also I've seen you cause mischief around Berk with your brother and sister, you are quick on your feet when determined. I've also seen you study the books on dragons, so I believe you can manage," she said in a proud tone.

"But I-" I muttered. I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't want to harm dragons anymore. "Okay mom... Stay safe on the trip," I said before she left my room

How to train your dragon + Disabled Norse demi-god readerWhere stories live. Discover now