first day of dragon training.

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**Y/N's POV:**

After Tuff, Ruff, and I had breakfast, the three of us headed to where Gobber had told us to meet him. The other kids there were Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and surprisingly Hiccup, but my siblings and their friends were too busy talking about their future as dragon-killing Vikings, scars, and all, as they entered the arena. I stayed outside to watch everything. Eventually, I heard Hiccup say in a sarcastic tone,

**No one's POV:**

"Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain, love it!"

"Oh great, who let him in?" Tuffnut said in an annoyed tone.

"Alright, let's get started. The recruit who does the best will have the honor of killing their first dragon in front of the entire village," Gobber stated.

"Hiccup already killed a Night Fury, so does that disqualify him or...?" Snotlout asked in a snarky tone.

"Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings?" Tuffnut shouted.

"Don't worry, Hiccup, the dragons will see you as insane or sick, so they will go for the more Viking-like teens," Gobber said to Hiccup.

Gobber started walking around the arena in front of doors while listing off the names of the dragons inside. Fishlegs was listing off stats of the dragons that Gobber listed until he yelled, "Will you stop that?" Fishlegs stopped, and Gobber continued, but Fishlegs whispered the stats of the Gronkle.

"Whoa, whoa, wait, aren't you gonna teach us first!?" Snotlout shouted.

"Ah well, I believe in learning on the job," Gobber said as he released a Gronkle.

Y/N frantically got out a notebook ready to write down notes. "Today is about survival. Get blasted, you're dead. Quick, what's the first thing you're going to need?" Gobber shouted.

"A doctor," Hiccup said in a sarcastic but also a 'so done with this' tone.

"Plus five speed," Fishlegs responded.

"A shield!" Astrid shouted.

"Shields! Go! Your most important piece of equipment is your shield! If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield!" Gobber yelled.

Y/N started writing that down. They looked up when they were done writing to spot Ruffnut and Tuffnut fighting over a shield.

"Get your hands off my shield," Tuffnut shouted.

"There's like a million of them!" Ruffnut argued.

"Take that one! It has flowers, girls like flowers?" Tuffnut argued back.

Ruffnut then snatched the shield on Tuffnut's head. "Oops, now it has blood on it," she said, giving a snarky look to her brother.

The Gronkle then flew up to Ruff and Tuff and blasted their shield, leaving them on the ground dazed.

"Ruffnut, Ruffnut, you're out!" Gobber yelled.

Y/N snickered at their siblings' defeat as Ruffnut and Tuffnut looked dazed.

"Those shields are good for another thing, noise. Make noise to throw the dragon off course," Gobber stated.

Astrid, Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Snotlout started hitting their shields, which started to make the Gronkle become thrown off, and Y/N continued to write down notes.

"All dragons have a limited amount of shots. How many does a Gronkle have?" Gobber asked.

"Five," Snotlout guessed.

"No, six!" Fishlegs corrected.

"Six! Correct, one for each of you!" Gobber shouted before Fishlegs got blasted.

"Fishlegs out!" Gobber shouted again. He then saw Hiccup hiding under a plank.

"Hiccup, get in there!" He yelled at the boy.

Snotlout was next to Astrid, talking to her and trying to flirt, "So I'm moving into my parents' basement. You should visit to work out. You look like you work out," Snotlout said before being blasted by the Gronkle.

"Snotlout, you're out!" Gobber yelled.

"So I guess it's just the two of us, huh?" Hiccup said.

"Nope, you're on your own," Astrid stated before moving out of the way.

The Gronkle shoots at them but misses. Hiccup drops his shield, it rolls away, and Hiccup runs after it, the dragon right behind him.

"One shot left," Gobber yells until he sees Hiccup getting attacked.

"Hiccup!" Gobber shouted as he advanced his way to Hiccup.

The Gronkle had cornered Hiccup and was about to fire, but Gobber had grabbed the dragon with a hook and made it fire just above Hiccup.

"And that's six. Get back to bed, ya overgrown sausage. You'll get another chance, don't worry," Gobber said as he put the Gronkle back in its cage.

Gobber then turned to Hiccup. "Remember, a dragon will always go for the kill," Gobber stated.

Y/N was about to write that down until they remembered that they would be dead if that were true, so they didn't write that down.

**Y/N's POV:**

"I would be dead. That can't be true. Maybe it's only when they're scared, in bad situations, or stressed," I muttered to myself before I heard Astrid, Fishlegs, Gobber, Hiccup, Ruffnut, Snotlout, and Tuffnut leave the arena.

"All right, kids, this evening over dinner in the Great Hall, we will talk about what we did wrong. Go on with the rest of your day for now. Y/N, you may join if you'd like," Gobber said as he shooed us off.

Hiccup seemed to leave pretty quickly; he was headed to the forest, so I didn't think much of it.

I went back home to get my medicine, cane, and I also decided to bring my notebook with me to write notes about the Stormcutter.

How to train your dragon + Disabled Norse demi-god readerWhere stories live. Discover now