ruff and tuff

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Stoick had brought you to the grand hall, and it was full of people, all laughing, chatting, and genuinely having a good time. It was a lot friendlier than the pirate port.

While Stoick went to talk to some people, he had told you to go find other kids to play with or something, so you went off, walking around looking for someone.

First, you saw a black-haired boy who looked around 12 bullying a smaller brown-haired boy of about the same age. You didn't want to deal with someone like that or someone weak that you would have to defend constantly. Next was a blond girl around 12 walking with who you assumed to be her father; she looked mean, so you didn't approach her. Then, at a table, was a blond boy around 11 rambling on about dragons to his mom; he seemed annoying, and you didn't want to hear someone constantly talking about the same thing over and over again. You were about to walk back to where Stoick was, but two kids with a bucket had dumped water over you.

"Hey!" You shouted before seeing who it was.

It was two blond-haired kids around 11 who looked very similar to each other; they must be twins.

They started laughing at your reaction, but then they realized they had never seen you before.

"Hey, you! Who are you?" the girl said.

"Yeah, we don't think we've seen you around before. So, who are you?" the boy exclaimed.

"Uhh, I'm Y/N," you stated.

"Oh, cool. I'm Ruffnut, and this is my brother, Tuffnut. You actually seem interesting," Ruffnut said.

"Thanks?" you muttered. These two seemed different from the other kids you saw; they actually seemed fun.

"You wanna prank people with us?" Tuffnut asked.

You took a minute to answer, but then you remembered the reactions people at the pirate port had; it was always hilarious.

"Sure," you said happily.

"Well, come on now, let's go!" Tuffnut said, running off.

"Hey! Don't run off without us, Tuff!" Ruffnut yelled at her brother.

You laughed while trying to catch up with them.

Ruff, Tuff, and you had set several pranks, which included pouring a bucket of water on someone from the top floor of the great hall and then scattering.

"Gah!?" the Viking yelled in confusion when the water was poured on them.

Ruff, Tuff, and you scattered and then met up again.

"Bwahaha! Bro, did you see that guy's reaction!?" Ruff exclaimed while laughing.

"Yeah, it was priceless!" Tuff said, laughing as well.

The second prank was you going under a table and tying two people's leg brace laces together, while the twins got the two Vikings' attention to make them get up. It was a good laugh watching them fall and be confused.

The last prank was making others think the one next to them stole their food when in reality it was you three.

It was actually fun! And you weren't being thrown under the bus about it either; it was great. You felt like you actually made friends; you had a good laugh seeing people's reactions, and no one even suspected you or Ruff or Tuff were the reason behind it. They also didn't care that you couldn't run or walk correctly.

The three of you kept causing mischief until you heard,

"Ruffnut, Tuffnut, come here, please!" you heard a woman shout, who you assumed to be their mother.

For a second, you thought you guys got caught, but it wasn't that.

"Hey, Y/N, we gotta go, our mom needs us *sadly*, wanna come!?" Ruffnut asked with a sarcastic tone on the "sadly" part.

"Sure!" you answered, hoping you wouldn't be thrown under the bus.

You followed them to where their mother was, and to your surprise, Stoick was talking with Ruff's and Tuff's mom.

"Oh good, you're with them, Y/N. I was about to come get you," Stoick said until he realized, "Oh, wait, you're with the twins, and the chaos duo is becoming a trio."

"So, Y/N, this is [redacted] Thorston, and I see you've already met her children," he stated.

"Ms. Thorston here is interested in taking you in, Y/N, so what do you say?"

"Wait, really? Absolutely!" you exclaimed.

"Ruff, Tuff, do you want a younger sibling?" Ms. Thorston asked.

"Yes, especially if it's Y/N; they're actually fun!" Ruffnut shouted excitedly.

"Yeah, I agree!" Tuffnut exclaimed in agreement.

"Alright, welcome to the family, Y/N," Ms. Thorston said.

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