intro pt 2.

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subject 003.
Twilight Sparkle.

i dont remember much from anything. i remember waking up in a field. as the sun was about to set. "where am i?." was all i could think. wheres ponyville? wheres all my friends? i stare at my dirty hooves and the blades of grass that laid beside them. i sit and think really hard about what could've happened. my head started throbbing with pain the more i thought. the more i remembered. it hurt so much more, but it was worth a try. whole the wind cluttered my thoughts i saw a flash of pink. then orange. and a full flash to an odd shape. i thought more. but i got information jist enough to guess i was last with pinkie pie and applejack. i was scared. the sunset was beautiful..but it was about to be over in a few minutes. it was gonna be dark. all that was around was a road and a street sign that made still zero sense. i got up,my left back hoove was bleeding. i could use my horn! i thought. no,it hurt so much my vision blurred. maybe not the time to use my head. i limped my way over to the road that looked to go nowhere. seemingly though i know i couldn't be far from ponyville on hoove. i just had to follow the right oath and maybe ill be okay. i could use my horn for a light just not a really bright one like i usually do in situations like this. i was scared. where is everyone? wheres everypony? where am..i?

i scandal through the road for about an hour. it was dark,more and more trees where starting to appear but i wanted to rest. sleep. but i cant,not in the middle of nowhere. i am obviously in bad condition and who knows whats out on this side out of ponyville. i stumble just a bit more. a forest!..a forest. crap..i think to myself. now i definitely don't want to sleep. i walk with more caution,why amni getting so much goosebumps. i feel like im being watched. i hate this feeling i just wanna go home. what even happened for it to turn out like this? i stumble upon trees and grass,muddy..really muddy and wet grass?.. it wasnt cloudy. i could clearly see the stars. why was it so wet. i make my horn painfully brighter and..i really hoped it was just my purple glare from my horn that was tricking me...but it wasnt. it was blood. a wet,full puddle of blood that trailed off to the left of me which headed into the darkness of the trees. i suddenly get back into reality and dim my glare to the point where its just pitch black. the moon amd stars were helping me out with light for now. whatever hurt that poor pony..obviously was here jist recently. i hate this i hate this i hate this. i repeatedly thought to myself. my head hurt, i was so tired, i wanted to rest. celestia please let me rest.. i look up and push myself an hour more ahead. there was no more "muddy spots" in the trail anymore. no more seemingly creakings of the trees. no more shivers that im being watched. i think im okay for now. i stumble upon a building. an old apt building ponyville abandoned a few years back. it was old,but the doors were kind of boarded shut. turns out nature did its thing though and made a little hole through the side of the building. not big at all but just big enough to go through. my leg held me back a bit but i figured it was good enough to sleep in for the night. im scared i thought to myself for the 15th time. i wanna go home. what happened to me. i had so much questions in my head. i guess to me now those questions were just a lullaby that put me right to sleep. i slept. with hope,fear,and worry. feelings that arent new to me. but hit me like never before.

12;47 am
subject 003.
Twilight Sparkle.
sanity : 99%
status: hurt
health: 86%
inventory: nothing.
emotional status: tired,scared,worried, and stressed.

subject 003. signed out.
no updates until further notice.

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