im scared.

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subject 006.

in immediate danger,
seek immediatly.

what do you say to yourself when you have been abandoned by the world you thought once was.
what do you think to yourself.



as the sounds on my hooves clear the hallways, as the screams suggestively get quieter.
as all you hear is me .
maybe no one hears me, maybe I'm alone now.


please. I just wanted to see my friend.

as I ran through the trashed hallways, broken and tipped over hospital beds and wheelchairs. all I can do is focus on the thing behind me.

what happened to you.



I was there. I've seen everything. for 20 days I've dealt with zero ways of getting out. im forever stuck with what once was.
wires hanging from the ceiling, lights flickering, the only thing I can see down here is a big red exit sign at the end of the hall. the worst part is.

it's waiting for me.
I've seen it .
I've seen it all.
I have seen everything.
all I can do is sit in my dark corner praying it doesn't smell my fear, praying just for one second it can equally return piece so I can finally escape. im only one step away from running and finding my friends. how can I do that when the moment I'm outside that door.

this terrifying creature will only chase me til the end of time.

the only way I imagined to get away from this thing was diving into a pit of darkness where I am currently. I sleep here, I feed off of the broken vending machine 15 inches away from me, I sit here, I drink here, I've lived here in order to try and wait out its patience.

only to realize this isn't a pony anymore.
this is a fucking monster.

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