the human behind the person

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she is energetic

a burst of joy to all around her

but she is loud

she can't stop talking

even when no one is listening.


she is quiet

she is a wonderful listener

but she never knows what to say

it never seems to be the right thing

she doesn't know how to communicate.


she is smart and knowing

she is aware

but the reality of the world around her is crushing

and the more she realizes the more she is dragged down

she doesn't really know it all


she is good with words

she is good with people

but she can never seem to give them what they want

they take what they like and leave the rest behind

she doesn't know herself

a little poem dedicated to the women I have observed, and been. I didn't want to put their real names out of respect for them but just know if you think this is about you it probably isn't. Not in a mean way but that was directed at my followers who know me in real life. Which I do not actually know RIGHT? **cough* cough**

As always happy wattpad reading, and if it's after 12 AM, GO TO SLEEP!!!

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