A Tear In The Fabric

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Calypso and Leo aren't together and neither are Piper and Jason.

Jason Lives!

This is set post-Trials of Apollo but Pre-The Sun and the Star

For the first time in centuries, the gods gathered together for an emergency meeting on Olympus. Hades was not only invited, but he was expected. There was much to discuss.

"Silence!" Zeus commanded. The gods had been muttering amongst themselves, some grumbling, other were speculating the need for a council to be held.

"Something has happened," The King of the Gods declared.

"Yes, we had gathered as much," Dionysus drawled.

He was silenced with a look from his father, who continued his announcement.

"Chaos has been cut."

A horrifically blunt way of saying that the fabric of the universe had been torn open, but Zeus was pretty blunt, so-.

The news was met with a deafening silence. It lasted only a few seconds, but it felt like hours.

The the throne room was in an uproar. Gods and Goddesses were shouting. Disbelief and shock registered in their voices.

Athena, for all her logic, was a sceptic with a pension for conspiracies. The wisdom goddess was the first to truly form an answerable question, "How did this happen?"

She hadn't said it very loudly, but it caught everyone off guard.

Her father paused before he answered. "We do not yet know how chaos was damaged, but that the seam is continuing to split."

The deities insisted on seeing this cut for themselves.

They assumed inconspicuous forms as they arrived to the supposed site. It was a hiking trail used by mortals during the summer. It was late spring currently, so they were alone. After less than a minute of walking the thin path, they felt a pull. It started from within them, but gradually they began to feel as if they were being dragged further down the path. Dread and anxiety built in the immortals.

Then they saw it.

A true blackness, darker than Nyx. Just suspended in the air, almost unnoticeably clawing it's way further into the greenery surrounding it.

Hestia was the first to realize the implications of this. The world was tearing itself apart and the gods could do nothing.

The only ones who had the power to alter this was the demigods.

When they arrived back at Olympus, they found the Fates in the center of the room. Their thread had changed. The yarn, no longer blue, was the golden color of ichor. The old ladies looked up in unison and vanished.

After hours of argument the gods came to a resigned consensus. A team of reliable demigods would be sent to investigate and consult an Oracle.

Zeus had gotten upset when Apollo could not provide answers. He was a conduit of the Oracle's power, not in charge of it. The Fates dealt with those matters.

So they went about "gently" summoning heroes to Olympus.

Percy was in his mom's kitchen playing with Estelle when he felt himself shaking. He felt both a burning and freezing sensation at the same time as he was transported to Olympus.

Annabeth was on the subway, heading to Sally's apartment when she was called to Olympus. Her designs she had next to her were left abandoned on the subway.

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